Page 74 of Monstrous Lies

Her eyes widen as if she’s never thought of that. “It’s never happened, but mates usually die together if the bond is broken, so…”

“So there’s a chance.” I shrug. “You clearly like him.”

“I appreciate his strength. He’s been the border patrol on the wall since the attack. He’s successfully averted nineteen human invasions single-handedly.”

“Oh yeah, you like him.” I knock my shoulder against hers. “Take a chance. You will never know otherwise. Plus, judging by the way he’s watching you, I’m thinking he’s ready for a friend.”

“You think?” she asks nervously, but there’s also hope in her tone. If there is one person I would wish happiness on, it’s this ray of sunshine.

“I do.” I nod and she laughs, knocking her shoulder with mine like I did, only she’s much stronger so I go sprawling to the floor. I laugh, I can’t help it, and let her help me up in time to see Akuji’s narrow eyes as he prowls towards me.

“That’s my cue to go.” She winks. “Thank you, my friend.” She quickly hops up and bows her head in respect to Red as she makes her way to the scarred monster. He stiffens and his eyes widen as she rolls her shoulders nervously. She tilts her head in confidence as she stops before him. He watches her in fear but also hope, and I know I was right.

Everything is changing.

“Are you hurt?” he demands as I roll my eyes.

“Come on, big guy, you can’t stop me from getting bruises or scratches.” I huff as he kneels before me, placing his clawed hands on my spread thighs as he watches me.

“Want to bet, little mate?” he purrs, the sound going straight to my pussy. He sniffs, and his eyes flash red for a moment as a knowing grin curves up his lips. “Feeling needy, Aria?”

God, I love the way he says my name.

“It seems like I’m always feeling needy around you,” I admit. “You monsters have some sort of dick magic.”

His head rocks back as laughter bursts from his lips. It draws everyone’s gazes, but I see nothing except happiness for their leader in their eyes. I can’t help but smile, and when he looks back at me, I melt. “My life will never be boring with you, little human.”

“Nope.” I grin, and then he seems to become serious, blowing out a breath. “What’s wrong?” I demand, instantly searching for a threat, but he just takes my hand and squeezes.

“I need to ask you something, Aria. I promised myself I wouldn’t until I thought you were ready. I didn’t want to pressure you, use you, or lock you into a life you didn’t want. I wanted you to choose this. To choose me.”

“Akuji?” I murmur, confused. He swallows, and the music cuts out as he kisses my hand and stands. I watch as he pulls a blade from his harness and presents it to me with his arms out, the dagger balanced across his wrists like a symbol. His head is bowed, and his horns almost quiver in excitement or nervousness, I can’t tell.

I look around to see everyone watching, and when I meet Cato’s eyes, he encourages me with a nod and looks at the knife. Unsure what I’m supposed to do, I reach out and take the blade. As soon as the weight is gone from Akuji’s hands, they cross over his chest, fisted, as his eyes rise to mine. His gaze is filled with nothing but life and hope.

“Aria, mate, my little human. I have been yours since we were both younglings. I have watched you grow into the magnificent queen before me. Your fearless nature makes my heart yours, as does your kindness, intelligence, recklessness, and humour that I don’t always understand. I knew I was yours, but I was willing to wait for you to realise that I was yours. That you were mine. This isn’t traditional, but I never cared for tradition.” A laugh goes up, and he grins. “I know what I want, and it’s you. It’s always been you. No matter what stands in our way, no matter the challenges we face, it’s you.” He swallows. “So, Aria, my human. I ask you to mate me and be mine forever. I ask you to fight side by side with me and live like every night is our last. I ask you to give me your heart the way I gave you mine that night you put your hand in mine. I vow to always protect you from any threat that means you harm.” He slams his fists into his chest as I gawk. “With this body, I vow to comfort, love, and stand with you. I vow to be yours. Aria, will you be mine?”

One heartbeat, that’s all it takes.

He said he was waiting for me to be ready, but he didn’t need to. I knew I was always his, even if I didn’t want to admit it. I don’t care about what I should do or say—he doesn’t. If he did, he wouldn’t have chosen a human. Instead, I fling myself at him. He catches me as I grip his face and stare into his nervous eyes. “Yes. Yes, I will be yours.”

Hoots and roars go up as he grins and kisses me so hard, it takes my breath away. “My little human…”

“My monster,” I purr before we are dragged away to celebrate.

This is a new beginning for both the humans and the monsters.

If only the scientists could see us now and realise they got exactly what they wanted by making them our enemies.



Akuji and I have hardly any time together after it’s announced we plan to mate. I thought it was sealed last night, but apparently, I was wrong. There is a whole ceremony I have to be briefed on, and that’s what I spend the rest of the night doing until I finally fall into an exhausted sleep in my mate’s arms.

I’m jerked awake a few hours later by a roar—a familiar roar. I look to Akuji to see him sleeping hard. Scrubbing my eyes, I quickly slip on my clothes and slide from his room as silently as I can. I have free rein of the city, but I make sure to keep my knives on me just in case. I quickly tie my hair back and slip on a jacket before making my way through the underground living quarters. It’s dark so the monsters can sleep, so I slip out onto the streets above, careful to shut the doors so no one gets hurt.

There, just outside the closed door, is my tiger. When he spots me, the roar cuts off and he bounds towards me, making me laugh as he knocks me backward. Stroking his head, I give him stolen bits of meat. “I wondered where you were, buddy,” I coo, but he just knocks his head into mine. “You okay? I missed you. Yes I did,” I murmur. “But where were you?” He sits and cocks his head before trotting away. When he stops and looks back, I get to my feet and follow him.