“You don’t think she’s faking it?” Ava asked.

“I’m sure there are times she does. Women do it all the time, but right now, look at her. Look at her face and the way she’s fucking back against Kinky. She loves it. She loves having a cock in her pussy.” He slowly glided his hand up toward her breast. His thumb skimmed the side and she tensed up again.

He held perfectly still.

Kinky pulled out of Swallow, removed his condom, and came all over her face.

It wasn’t exactly the ending Smokey was hoping for.

“I need another beer,” Ava said. She pulled out of his arms, and he wanted to go and beat the living shit out of Kinky. Women didn’t want to have cum all over their faces.

Damn it. That was the last time he was ever going to trust Kinky.

He followed Ava back into the clubhouse, only she didn’t stay at the bar. She took one look around, shook her head, and stepped right on out. She walked to the car and clearly forgot he had the keys.

When she spun around, he was already there, waiting.

“Can I have my keys?”

“What’s going on, Ava?” he asked.

“Do you really need to ask that?” She shook her head. “I can’t compete with that. There’s no way that’s a normal party.”

“At the clubhouse, it kind of is.”

“Why did you invite me, Smokey? I don’t get it.” She looked past his shoulder. “You know my history. I bet you know every single little detail about me. Still, you bring me here. I don’t know if you’re trying to laugh at me, or…”

“I’m not laughing,” he said.

“What is this?” she asked.

“I wanted you to have fun. You’re right. I know everything about you. Every single little detail you can get on a piece of paper. I even looked into your ex and I can already form a picture. The lonely housewife. Left alone, passed over by your ex. He’s fucking everything in sight and you’re at home, wondering what the hell you did wrong.”

“You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. I know what I’m talking about,” he said. “You’re not angry or offended by what you see here.” He advanced toward her. “You’re fucking envious.”

“You don’t know everything. You’ve got it all wrong!”

“No?” He pressed his hand between her thighs and found exactly what he expected. “You’re soaking wet, baby. That can only mean one thing—you’re very much aroused.” He removed his hand. “Now, when you remove that stick from your ass, maybe we can talk. Until then, have a nice life.” He slammed the keys into her hand, turned on his heel, and left.

Chapter Three

Ava couldn’t remember a time she’d been so … pissed. Was that even a strong enough word? She let out a growl as she pounded her fists into the dough. Over and over, she beat it until she had no choice but to let the dough attempt to proof.

She stepped back, removed the gloves she’d been using, and washed her hands.

Ever since she’d left the party last night, she’d been angry. There were no other words or explanation for it. She was so incredibly angry. At herself, at Smokey, at Derek.

She folded her arms across her chest and closed her eyes. Counting to ten didn’t work, nor twenty.

“No offense. You should see the way it throws men off. They think they stand a chance with a daddy’s princess, but when they get to know me…”

“Right,” Ava said, chuckling. “What can I get you two ladies?”

“Ladies. I’ve been called many things.”

The brunette chuckled. “Don’t mind her. I’m Abriana, this is Raven.”

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Ava.” She held her hand out and they all shook hands. “What can I get you?”