He smiled and invaded her space, pressing her up against her car. “You know, I’ve hurt men for less. I don’t like being disrespected.”

Ava put her hands on his shoulders. He liked her touch a little too much. “And I don’t like having my privacy invaded.”

“You would’ve given up your personal details so easily?”

“In time. I’d have shared anything, including my ex’s name. Seeing as you know all about me, I think it’s unfair. I need to know more about you, besides the fact you’re an arrogant asshole.”

“Believe me, that’s one of my better qualities.”

“I have no doubt. Drink or not?” she asked.

He pressed his body against hers, seeing the flare in her gaze. “How about I take you up to my room?”

“How about I get a drink first and you’re nice to me?” she asked. “You want a girl to fuck, I’m sure there are plenty of willing women around.”

He put his hands on her hips, letting her feel how aroused he was. “Let’s get one thing straight, Ava. You can give me lip all you want. I like it, but you and me, it’s a sure thing.”

“Not if you’re an asshole.” She took him by surprise, pressing her lips against his. It wasn’t a deep kiss or even a long one. Just a single peck on the lips. “Drink?” She brushed past him, and he grabbed her hand.

He wouldn’t allow her to shake him off. The dress wasn’t the skimpiest thing that would be worn. He guaranteed there were women wearing absolutely nothing. What he didn’t want was any of the brothers to think she was an easy ride.

She belonged to him. Every single part of her.

He wanted her so badly. His time in her bed would come.

Until then, he was going to have fun exploring this woman. He’d gotten used to the club whores throwing themselves at him. He couldn’t remember a time he actually had to do anything but snap his fingers.

They entered the bar, and Ava came to a complete stop. There were three completely naked women dancing across the bar. Two were kissing as the other one danced. The bar was high enough that as she went down and spread her knees, they got a clear sight of her pussy.

“Oh,” Ava said.

“You can handle this, right?” he asked.

She glanced over her shoulder. “Your party is one big orgy?”

“No, my party is a bunch of guys having a whole lot of fun.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Come on.”

He moved through the crowd, going to the bar and ordering her a beer.

“I’ll just have a soda.”

Smokey pressed the beer into her hand and took a swig of his own.

He spotted a couple of the guys checking her out, and he pulled her close to his side, putting a hand on her ass for good measure. They all backed off. There were a lot of benefits to being the president of the club. This was one of them.

He took her hand, swigging the beer and moving her away from the crowd. They were stopped on the dance floor by a topless woman.

“Hey, Smokey, I’m so wet for you.” She ran her finger down his chest.

He shoved her away.

“Hey, that wasn’t nice,” Ava said.

“Yes, yes, fuck yes,” she said.

“Now that’s a different party,” Smokey said.

He spun Ava in his arms to see where his gaze was. The moment she caught sight of the couple, she tensed in his arms. He put his hands to her stomach, drawing her back against his body.


“Don’t panic. Nothing bad is going to happen. I promise you,” he whispered against her ear. She let out a gasp. “She works for us. Swallow is used to people watching. She gets off on it.”