“I’m here for you.”

She picked up the box and disappeared into the bathroom. The last time she took one of these, her hands had been shaking so badly, just like they were now. Time or circumstance didn’t seem to change this. Why couldn’t men go through this? This was torture, and maybe men would learn the truth about how scary it was to face taking a test all on your own.

Taking a deep breath, she tried to focus, but it was so hard. Without looking at her reflection, she read through the instructions, complied with each one, and then stood waiting, gripping the edge of the sink as her future was decided.

Anne came in and took her hand as the stick showed them what she was going to have to do, and as it did, she felt a little sick to her stomach.

“It’s going to be okay, Robin.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I know Preacher is in love with you, and he will only ever see this as a good thing, and I think you should as well.”


Sitting in the graveyard early in the morning wasn’t exactly the best way to start a day. Robin sat on the cold, wooden bench. It was slightly damp from some rain the previous night, but she didn’t care about the water, or the damp, or her clothes. Instead, she stared out at the graves. She read the ones closest to her, and she saw final resting places for moms, dads, aunts, sisters, so many people. So much life and of course, death.

Tears filled her eyes, and she didn’t even know why she was here. There was no one for her to come and see. Her mother didn’t get this luxury, nor did O’Klaren. She’d seen some of O’Klaren’s family and they seemed to be doing a lot better without the man. He’d been a true monster. Beating his wife, hurting his kids. Sure, to the outside world, he’d painted a pretty picture but the very truth was one of misery.

Pain was something she was coming to know quite well.

“I have to say it’s a shock to see you here.”

She turned to see Bishop arriving. He sat down. No leather cut. Just a single jacket with no signals or ownership.

“I figured you’d have skipped town by now.”

“Kind of can’t. My dad warned me he’d put out an order to kill. It doesn’t exactly inspire the traveling spirit.”

She snorted. “I guess not.” She looked out across to near the church. She’d never been inside. Never needed to pray or wanted to. Part of her had always assumed she’d be rejected for being Bear’s daughter and her association with the Twisted Monsters MC. “How did we get here?”

“I walked here.”

“I walked here too, but that wasn’t what I meant.”

“I know it wasn’t but I was trying to be funny.”

“Sorry, I’m not in a funny mood.”

“I think we’re both exactly where we need to be.”

This made her turn toward him. They’d aged a little. They were no longer the carefree teens they’d once been.

“You think this was our life? How it was always supposed to be?”

“Obviously a lot of changes have been made, and I can’t control the outcome of what happened, but we can’t turn back the clock. We can’t change what happened.”

“When did you become all-knowing?” she asked.

“Right around the time my death was a real option.” Bishop sighed. “You know, I never wanted you to be hurt or for anything bad to actually happen to you. It was never my intention for you to suffer.”

“I did.”

“I know, and I will never forgive myself for it. For a long time, even when you were with Reaper, I thought my actions were valid, you know? That I had some reason and pleasure at seeing Preacher not get what he wanted.”

“Why do you hate your dad so much?”

“I don’t. I was angry that he was able to get you when I couldn’t get anything. I know you had feelings for him, and they grew so fucking fast.”