“I loved you too.”

“It’s not the same.”

“It could have been.”

Bishop shook his head. “No, I messed that shit up when I started sleeping with random women and girls from school. I realize now my chance with you ended the moment Milly started her plan to hurt you. I wasn’t there. I was more interested in what I could get. I wanted a woman dancing on my dick every second of every single day. You wouldn’t even let me touch you, and I know when we did fool around, your heart was never in it. You were never there for me.”

“I wanted to be.”

“I know, but wanting to be and actually being there are two different things.”

“You were my best friend.”

“Exactly, I was your best friend and that’s my fault. I realize that now. You never wanted to hurt me. Not even when you realized you were in love with my dad. You’ve always done whatever was needed to protect me and I’ve got to learn to walk on my own two feet. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t know exactly how long that’s going to be. My dad isn’t a man of many words, but I know he’s a man of action.”

“He won’t kill you.”

“You don’t know that. I had hoped to make this right by finding Reaper, but that bastard turned up before I could even do that. I kept you guys in hiding, kept his location from Dad, and then, everything fucked up. I never meant for this, how it worked out. He’ll kill me.”

“He would have done it already.”

“Wow, thank you for the vote of confidence. I was hoping he’d just forget I existed and I could go on my way and not look over my shoulder.”

She smiled, but tears filled her eyes and she covered her face, hoping to hide the tears and gain control before they even got a chance to spill down, but she didn’t have any such luck. She was broken, and right now, she needed a friend.

“Hey, hey. What is it?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“I do. I’m here now.”

“No, you’ll be angry and pissed, and I feel like we’re sharing a moment.”

“We’ve shared a lot of moments, but I’m here for you. You don’t need to hide from me. I’m here and I’m not going to judge you. This is a judgment-free zone.”

She sniffled. “I’m pregnant.”


“Yeah. Are you going to get angry with me again?”

“Nope, but I think it’s time you retake sex ed because you didn’t pick up the clues about not getting pregnant. Condoms and all that.”

“I don’t need this right now,” she said, also laughing along with him. “I do suck at this.”

Bishop pulled her close and hugged her, kissing the top of her head. “I guess Preacher is the father?”

“Yes, which means you’ll be a half-brother.”

“If I survive.”

“I don’t see why you wouldn’t.”

“Robin, I was a traitor to the club. I fucked up and I failed in every single direction. We both know there’s no right path for me anymore. I will face judgment by my dad and the club, and we know what happens to traitors.”

“But you’re still his son.”

“I think I’m getting the hang of it, you know? I’m expecting death to come and when it does, I’ll be ready for it.” He nodded his head. “This is me being strong.”