“What are we gonna do, Ethan?”

“We’re gonna find our way back to Hellscape Holiday Resort. I want an actual vacation this time. What do you say? A couple of days of real rest before we figure out how to talk to Lucifer?”

She frowned. “What do you mean? Talk to Lucifer?”

“I told you that no woman of mine would live a life she didn’t want to. If you want out, we’ll get you out. Together.” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her skin gently.

Ruby opened her mouth to speak, but she was rudely interrupted by a sudden loudpoprippling through the forest.

The big black hole was back with Lou’s head sticking out of it.

“Don’t tell Portia,” the bartender said, winking at them. “Bertha reopened all by herself.”

“Bertha?” Ruby asked.

“The portal,” Lou replied like it was the most normal thing in the world to name a portal. “She’s a bit temperamental. Sometimes, she won’t shut up until the right person walks through. You’re the people she needed to see.”

“I didn’t realize portals were so volatile,” Ethan commented, way out of his depth with this kind of travel.

“It’s bending time and space. Of course, it’s temperamental! It’s okay, Bertha. You’re a good portal.” He patted the flashing lights around the big gaping black hole. “Now, let’s go, kids! Hell awaits.”



As soon as the portal spat them out, Ruby steadied herself. Ethan was a bit shakier on his feet, but he didn’t fall this time around. He was green in the face with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. Lou chuckled, but he was completely fine. No doubt he was the kind of demon who used his portal powers to get around. He was barely impacted by the usual ill effects of the trip.

“What did you do?” Portia was standing in her office, tapping her foot with her arms crossed. One brow was arched up with concernandjudgment. “Huh, Lou? You know you can get in a whole lot of trouble if you interfere in the wrong life.”

Lou waved her off. “Whatever, it’s fine. I just got them out of there. What was I supposed to do? Ship their belongings back to them without ever saying goodbye?” He shook his head. “No way. This was much better. And now that I’ve returned little Ruby and her big bad wolf to the resort, we can hear all about the big fight with the Tagnello pack.”

Portia’s narrowed eyes softened. “Well, I guess that’s true. I can’t exactly fault you for wanting to know what happened there. I’ll admit I am also very curious.”

“So, spill it.” Lou took his preferred perch on the couch and waited impatiently.

“Roja was Nat Ryerson,” Ruby said.

“No!” Portia gasped while Lou giggled an excited, “Excellent! I love the Flemming side of the family. There is never a dull moment.”

Ethan and Ruby took turns filling in Lou and Portia about the fight with McNee Tagnello and Roja’s unexpected appearance.

“Is this really over?” Portia asked. “You think McNee will listen to the terms of your agreement?”

“He better,” Ethan grumbled. “Or else we are going to have another fight on our hands, and next time, I won’t spare him. I don’t care if a succubus is manipulating him or not. He messed with my pack, and that’s simply unacceptable.”

“Roja is known for the souls she corrupts, you know,” Lou commented. “She always brings in a big whale, but the soul is never alone. There are always a few others who are strictly collateral damage.”

“Shit,” Ethan sighed. “I feel a bit bad.”

“Don’t,” Ruby assured him. “Roja can’t force anyone to do anything. She can only wiggle where there is already wiggle room.”

“Right,” Ethan said. “I need to call the pack. Gus, specifically, and make sure that Jazmin Lovelace does reverse the curses like she is meant to do.”

“If you run into any issues with Roja, you let me know.” Portia’s pretty face was stern. “I’ll deal with my niece if need be.”

“Down, girl,” Lou teased. “It’ll all be fine. You go call your people, Ethan. And you, Ruby baby, I want you to go straight to your suite to rest. It’s been a rough couple of days.”

“We need to talk, anyway.” Portia pointed to Lou.