“I’m in trouble for interfering and using the portal,” Lou whispered way too loudly.

Ruby wanted to argue with her aunt and stick around for the dressing down her aunt was about to give her bartender, but the young woman was thoroughly exhausted. She wanted a good bubble bath, a nice stiff drink, and then a long cuddle with her man.

A man who just so happened to be her fated mate.

One single succubus walks into Hellscape Holiday Resort, and one mated succubus walks out.

There were worse ways to end a holiday.

* * *

Ruby knockedon Portia’s office door, but as was now her habit, she didn’t even bother waiting for a reply. She just walked right in like she owned the place. And who knows, maybe one day, she would take over for Portia.

“Hey, Aunt Portia. How’s it hanging? You wanted to see me? Or was Ocho messing with me again? I swear, that load of sugar Ethan gave him did not do him any favors.”

Portia laughed. “I agree. Ocho is a tad more unmanageable than he used to be.”

“So you did ask me here?”

“I did, Ruby,” Portia patted the seat beside her. “Sit here, please. We need to talk.”

“Am I in trouble?” she joked. “I swear I skipped curfew!”

Portia laughed. “I still can’t believe I had to threaten to ground you if youdidn’tmiss curfew when you were a teenage succubus. We’ve had some good times together, Ruby baby.”

“I know, Auntie.” Ruby wrapped her arm around Portia’s shoulders. “Is everything okay? You seem a little sad.”

“I know you want to have a family, and I know you don’t want anything to do with this world. Hell, I mean. Collecting souls.”

“Yeah? And?”

“I spoke to Lucifer about it. Actually, he was the one who approached me. He found out that you wanted out.”

“Oh! Oh, shit! How fucked am I?” she sprang to her feet, and it took Portia physically nudging her back down on the seat before she calmed again.

“Would you settle down for a second? Let me finish getting through this, and then, if you want to freak out, I’ll leave you be.”

“I really don’t like where this is going.”

“As I was trying to say … Lucifer heard about your wishes for the future, and he was a little bit sad you didn’t try to talk to him about it.”

“Lucifer was mad I didn’t talk to him?” Ruby was fully confused. “A demon I never met.Theleader of all demons.”

Aunt Portia ignored her and went on. “And because Lucifer is so grateful for the work you’ve done in the last little while, he has approved your request for retirement.”

“But …” She couldn’t form the words.

Aunt Portia cupped her niece’s face in her hands. “You can have all the children you want, and not one of them will be asked to replace you.”

“What? How is that even possible?”

“It’s possible because he heard about your wishes, and we discussed it. He knew this was what’s best for you.”

“Holy shit.”

Portia chuckled. “I take it this is good news?”

“Ya think?” Ruby stood, looked around the room, and sat back down only to stand again. “I’m like a dog chasing its own tail right now. I don’t know what to do. I’m all turned around!”