Page 36 of Flame to Please

“That you’re not freaked out that some dragon just snatched you off the ground and flew away with you.”

“You’re not the first shifter I’ve met. There’s nothing special about you for me to get worked up about.” She didn’t know why, but she felt it was imperative to not say the word dragon. She usedshifterinstead on purpose. Emmy had no idea what kind of game he was playing, but she did plan on finding out.

“Huh. So you either have shifters who are friends or have dated one. I guess that’s a good thing for my brother.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Who are you, and why am I here?” she was playing dumb, and hopefully, he had no idea.

“You really don’t have a clue? Do you?” he closed the distance between them. Hooking her chin with his finger, he lifted her face to meet his. Though, he wasn’t nearly as gentle as Kingston had been with her.

“I already told you I have no idea who you are or what you want. I’m not even from around here. I’m just on vacation.” A little voice in the back of her mind told her to keep lying. To lie her fucking ass off for as long as she could.

Emmy had no hope of being able to fight the giant of a man. Nor could she outrun him. No one could outrun a damn dragon. Even if she could, she had no idea where the hell they were or which direction she should run.

“I can see why my brother likes you. You’re not bad on the eyes even if you do have a big ass. Your tits are great, though,” he said.

Emmy drew her arm back and let it fly. “How dare you! I am not a piece of meat. I’m a lady, and no one talks to me like that. Your mother should have taught you better,” she growled.

He laughed. “I stand by my comment as to why he likes you. You’re a feisty little one. But don’t do that again. I’ll let you get away with it this time. Not a second time. Now sit down and relax. You’re going to be here a while,” he said, pointing to a dingy couch against the wall.

Emmy did so begrudgingly, knowing she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter. She was, however, surprised that she got away with hitting him.

“Do you have a bathroom in this joint? I have to pee,” she said, hatching a plan in her head.

“It’s around the corner. Don’t try anything stupid. You won’t like the consequences if you do.”

“I’ll come right back,” she said and went in search of the bathroom. She found it, right where he said she would. She closed herself inside but didn’t bother locking the door. If he wanted in there, a tiny lock on the flimsy door that stood between them wouldn’t stop him. The entire door would probably splinter into a million toothpicks.

She yanked her phone from her pocket and turned off the ringer. Firing off a quick text to Gerri, she told her that one of Kingston’s brothers had her, and she had no idea where she was.

“Are you done in there?” he knocked on the door.

“In a minute,” she called back.

Sending off one last quick text, she typedFMIand hit the send button.


“Where’s Emmy?” Kingston asked when he finally found Gerri.

“Calm down. She needed some time to herself, so I gave her my car keys. She said she would meet us at the hotel. She just left a few minutes ago. I’m sure she’s fine.”

Kingston’s heart nearly jumped out of his chest. He had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Something was wrong. That was why he had cut his meeting short with Ryan.

“You don’t understand. Two of my brothers want to stop our mating. She’s in danger. I can feel it.”

Gerri’s phone chimed. She picked it up off the counter and unlocked it. She gasped as she read the incoming text.

“What’s the matter?” Kingston asked.

“It’s a text from Emmy,” Gerri said.

“Is she okay?” he asked, his voice hitching in his throat.

“No. One of your brothers has her,” she said, confirming his worst fear.

“Let me see it,” he said.

Gerri handed him her phone, so he could see the text.