Page 37 of Flame to Please

“What does FMI mean?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Where would your brothers take her?”

Kingston racked his brain, trying to figure out where Emmy could be, and came up with nothing but blanks.

“FMI,” Gerri said. “What the hell could that mean? She has to be telling us how to find her, but what the hell does it mean?”

“FMI,” Kingston repeated the phrase. “Find me … find my …”

“Find my iPhone!” Gerri shouted.

“Can you do that?” he asked.

“Yep!” Gerri opened the text from Emmy and clicked on her name. She clicked onlocateand watched as the map zeroed in on an area. “Do you know where this is?”

“Motherfucker. Why didn’t I think of that?” Kingston growled. “You stay here. I’m going to deal with my jackass brother.”

“I don’t think so. That girl means more to me than you could possibly imagine. I will not sit here and wait for some guy, dragon or not, to save her. I’m going with you, whether you like it or not.”

“What’s going on, brother?” Jace asked as he and Malia found them at the bar.

“Stryker or Archer has Emmy. I need to go.” Kingston stormed off without a second thought. He bet Stryker was responsible for this. The only thing he cared about was getting his mate back before Stryker did something that couldn’t be undone.

If Stryker had so much as harmed a single hair on her, Kingston would beat the life out of him. Brother or not. He didn't give a fuck when it came to his mate. He would do whatever he had to in order to make sure she was safe.

He sprinted to the back door, pushing past anyone who got in his way.

“Is everything okay, boss?” Terence asked.

“No! Stryker has her.”

“Where?” Terence asked.

“Hell's Landing,” Kingston said as he rushed through the door.

The second he stepped out into the darkness, he called upon the magic he had been born with and shifted into his dragon form. Unfurling his wings, he shot straight into the air and headed for where his brother held his mate against her will. He didn't care if he had to face Stryker alone. He felt the power of all their ancestors running through his veins. Since finding his mate, he had more strength than ever. He could feel it.

A thousand different scenarios ravaged his mind, and none of them were good or had a happy ending. His heart was filled with fear, and anger seeped from his pores. He let out a terrifying roar as he closed in on Hell’s Landing.

Kingston shifted back to human form before his feet were even on the ground. He ran a top speed through the high grass and onto the porch of the small shack. They used to play there when they were kids and party when they were rebellious teenagers.

Approaching the door, he prepared to kick it open. But he didn't need to. Stryker greeted him as if nothing were amiss. As if he hadn't kidnapped his mate.

“Where the hell is she?” Kingston growled.

“Calm down, brother. She's fine. Well, mostly.” Stryker laughed and stood to the side for Kingston to enter.

He couldn’t help but wonder if this was some sort of trap that his brothers had laid out for him. If it was, congratulations to them. He was about to walk through the damn thing. He would make it that easy on them because he would do anything to save his mate, and as dragons, they would know that.

The second he stepped through this door, he saw Emmy sitting on the dilapidated couch. She looked pale and as if she were in pain.

“Are you okay?” He bolted to check on her. The smell of her blood filled his nostrils. He could feel his dragon pushing at the back of his mind, wanting to be released. Someone had hurt their mate, and that was unacceptable. His dragon wanted to punish the person responsible. And by punish, he meantkill.

Kingston pushed back his beast, knowing that if he were to release him, his dragon would only make this situation worse. He needed to figure out what Stryker wanted and why he took his mate.

“It hurts, but I'm all right.” Emmy winced as Kingston pulled her into his arms.

“Careful, brother. Humans are frail,” Stryker said.