Page 38 of Flame to Please

He ignored his brother and asked, “Where does it hurt?”

“My back. He caught me with his claws.”

Kingston spun her around to get a better look at what they were dealing with. His anger at his brother multiplied tenfold. Stryker would be lucky if he managed to keep his fucking head for hurting his mate.

It didn't take long for the cavalry to arrive. Both Stryker’s and his. Jace and Gerri were the first to step through the door. Gerri rushed quickly to Emmy to check on her. He turned his attention back to Stryker.

“You have two seconds to tell me what the fuck this is about.” Kingston was done fucking around. He was done with the bullshit and treachery. He wanted answers, and he wanted them now. He would get them, even if he had to choke them out of Stryker.

“Agazon is after your mate. He's trying to keep you from claiming her, activating the covenant, and ascending to the throne. He's pissed that you found your mate, and he'll do anything to stop it. He even went so far as to sabotage your plane,” Stryker said.

“Agazon! If it was truly him, why was your scent all over the hangar, brother?”

“Because I followed him there to see what he was up to. I didn't realize that he had tampered with the plane until I heard about the crash.“

“Don't fucking lie to me,” Kingston shouted.

“I'm not, you fucking idiot. Do you think I would go through all of this? Do you think your mate would still be alive right now if I was the one who wanted her dead? Think about it. Listen with your damn ears. You can hear the truth in my words. You know I'm not lying,” Stryker said.

“Then why did you take Emmy, and why is she injured?” Kingston growled.

“I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean for it to happen. I didn't mean to hurt her. I was trying to scare her and trying to make a point. It was an accident. I swear. As for why I took her, I need some assurances from you,” Stryker said, having the good sense to look ashamed for injuring his mate.

“And what exactly is it that you want me to assure you of that required you kidnapping my mate instead of just picking up the phone and calling me like a normal person would do?” Kingston laid on the sarcasm thick. He wasn't saying that he believed their uncle was the one who had sabotaged his plane. He wanted to hear the rest of the story before he made any decisions on who the guilty party really was.

“I had heard through the familial grapevine that Agazon was going to make his move tonight, right after you left the club. I was shocked as shit when your mate came out by herself and started walking down the street like she hadn't had a care in the world. Didn't you warn her about our family? Wasn't that plane crash big enough reason to not let her go out by herself? I mean, really? Does the girl have a fucking death wish?”

“Enough! Finish the story now. I'm out of patience.”

“When I saw your mate out on the street by yourself, I did the only thing I could do. I snatched her up and brought her here to somewhere I knew she would be safe,” Stryker said.

“Again. Why the fuck didn't you bother to pick up the phone and call me?” Kingston shouted.

“Why the fuck didn't you answer or call me back, asshole?”

Kingston searched his pockets and came up empty. His cell phone was nowhere to be found. “Fuck! Why didn't you try calling Jace and letting him know?”

“Sorry, I didn't know he was your keeper these days.” Stryker rolled his eyes. “Look, I'm sorry that I hurt your mate, but I don't think the wound is that bad. I think it's just a scratch.”

“She doesn’t need stitches,” Gerri said. “I’ve already put some salve on it, and it's already closing up.”

“Where did you get a salve at?” Kingston asked.

“I know witch or two,” she said.

“It already feels better,” Emmy said.

“I’m going to ask again, brother. What assurances do you want?” Kingston asked.

“I want to make sure you’re not going to rule like our father with an iron, fucking fist. Trust me when I say that no one wants to live like that again.”

“You think I would be like our father? Are you fucking kidding me? I’m not even remotely like him.” Kingston ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn’t believe that anyone would even dare compare him to their bastard of a father. It wasn’t that he didn’t love the man who had created him. He did. But he was nothing like him. Nor did he have any damn intention of ever becoming like him.

“I need to make sure. We need to make sure.”

The others who had entered, and there were several, nodded in agreement.

“I want the Pacific Dragos to be strong once more. I want them to do what they were destined to do and protect the people of this island. However, that does not mean giving up who you are or what you have worked for to live in hovels to do so.