Page 39 of Flame to Please

“You will still be free to live your lives, work your jobs, date whoever you want, whenever you want. We can work in rounds in the evenings carrying out our sacred duties to the people. That was my plan … what I had suggested to Father all those years ago. The suggestions that he had laughed off at the time,” Kingston explained.

Christ on a cracker, he was tired of everyone making assumptions and no one asking a damn thing. They were all grownups. Not a single damn one of them were children. That was going to be the first thing he addressed when he ascended to the throne.

“I think we can live with that,” Stryker said, a small smile spreading across his face.

“So what does Agazon want? What is his beef? Does anyone actually know?” Kingston asked.

“He wants you and your mate dead,” Archer said, stepping forward.

Several people in the small crowd gasped at the news.

“Why?” Kingston asked.

“Because he wants the throne since the last king was his brother. He thinks he should be king. That we should all bow to him.”

“That’s not fucking likely,” Jace said.

His comment was followed up by a fewfuck that’s and severaloh, hell no’s.

“You tell us, brother. What do you want to do?” Stryker said.

“I do plan to ascend to the throne, but only with my mate, your queen, by my side. I can’t do anything until she decides what it is she wants to do. And before you say it, I’m very well aware of the fact that the future of our entire clan rests on one human. Get over it. She is my mate. You will respect her decision either way.”


Emmy had stood and closed the distance between her and Kingston. She had heard enough.

“What’s the matter, brother? Are you afraid to show her how ugly your beast is?” Stryker laughed.

“He is not ugly. And he may be a beast, but he ismybeast!” she said, going toe to toe with Stryker.

“Easy there, kitten. I’ve already felt your backhand once tonight, and I have no desire to feel it again. Kingston knows I’m joking about being ugly. We’re dragons, and it’s a guy thing.”

She nodded and turned to Kingston. Running her palm over his face as she had done when he was in his dragon form, she begged silently for her beast to join her.

Kingston understood the assignment and allowed his dragon to take over. The transition was quick and painless. Wanting to please his mate.

Once his transformation was complete, she laid her hand on his face once more and smiled up at him.

“I am yours, and you are mine. You will be their king. My king. And I will be your queen.” Once she said the words, she knew there was no taking them back. She was deciding to take that leap and trust that she was truly Kingston’s mate. She trusted Gerri’s word more than anyone else’s. And she knew that Kingston’s word could be trusted as well.

Glancing around the room, she saw a look of relief on everyone’s face, except for one. A man had entered. A man she hadn’t seen a few moments ago. He looked truly terrifying.

“I will not allow this to happen,” the newcomer’s voice boomed.

Everyone turned to look at him and gasped.

“Uncle,” Kingston growled.

“I challenge you to a match. Winner takes all. The throne and your mate,” Agazon said, stepping farther into the small room.

“Why would I ever agree to such asinine terms?” Kingston asked. “Why wouldn’t I just kill you outright for the treason you’ve committed?”

“Because we both know that in order for the covenant to be true and binding, you must honor any challenges presented to you. That is the only way you can lawfully be King of the Pacific Dragos.”

Emmy’s heart skipped a beat, maybe two, when the one they called Agazon lay down a challenge to Kingston. He couldn't possibly be considering accepting the challenge, was he?

Kingston nodded to his uncle and ushered him outside. She followed closely behind, with Gerri and Malia by her side.