Page 20 of Ryatt

“And how do you even know what progress I’ve made?” he asked in a teasing voice.

“I see it every day, when we meet for coffee or lunch or whatever. However, because you are so focused on your physical injuries and shortfalls, which Shane’s probably measuring every day, I don’t think you see the improvement. I don’t think younotice and track your own moods and behaviors on a regular basis the way I do.”

“No, self-introspection isn’t necessarily something I’m very good at either.”

“Oh, I think you’d be surprised. I think you’re better at it than you expect.”

He shrugged. “Well, I mean, if I keep believing it, maybe I’ll work on it.”

She smiled and had to be content with that. Yet she was hoping one day that she could meet this sister.

After her weekendoff, Lana walked to Ryatt’s room to hear him laughing and joking on the phone. With his door open, she had just witnessed another side to him that he needed to bring out more. When he got off the phone and saw her there, a big smile formed on his face.

“It was my sister again.”

“Are you sure she even exists?” she asked in a teasing voice. “I’m pretty sure you just made her up.”

He shook his head. “You’ll have to meet her sometime.”

“I’d love to,” she said instantly. “She sounds like a wonderful person.”

“She’s definitely that. She’s also different, unique, injured, and back here again working with Shane—first from a bed here and now as an outpatient.”

“I heard that, and maybe I have seen her but just didn’t know who she was.”

“Most likely.” He nodded, with a smile. “Next time she’s here, we’ll have a meal or coffee together.”

“Sounds good.” Lana hoped he meant it.

Several days laterLana looked up to find an unknown woman standing in the doorway to her office. With a polite smile, Lana asked if she could help her.

The woman gave her the gentlest of smiles. “My name is Quinton. Ryatt’s my brother.”

“Oh my.” Lana jumped to her feet, came around, and went to shake the woman’s hand but was swept by Quinton into a big hug instead. “Nice to meet you,” Lana said, when she could, pleased to sense such an immediate acceptance. “Is that hug,” she asked in a teasing voice, “because I’m still friends with your brother or because you need something?”

Quinton laughed out loud. “Anybody who can put up with my brother deserves a hug. He can be quite insufferable.”

Lana laughed. “He can be, but I’ve also seen some blessings in his behavior too.”

“Especially lately,” Quinton confirmed. “I wondered if that was you.”

“No, it’s him,” Lana said, frowning.

Quinton shook her head. “I just meant, if it was the effect of having you in his life.”

Lana shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t even know what to say to that. But I do enjoy spending time with him.”

“Good,” Quinton said gently. “I just wanted to introduce myself and to say,Sorry we haven’t had a chance to meet before today. And I am on the run right now,” she explained, “but maybe next time we can have coffee.” And, with that, she was gone.

Lana thought about Quinton’s words a lot over the next few days, as she worked on a big PR plan to share Hathaway House’s rehab options and successes to both referring doctorsand patients wanting more improvements. She loved marketing, and it was refreshing to work on this project and to build up the center’s online profile.

Her own home businesses were small, but still it was amazing how much she’d learned about the digital world just from being involved firsthand. Even just studying websites known for their award-winning designs, for attracting new visitors daily who then became new sign-ups. Her marketing background helped get Lana’s small online profile growing. She did ads for one company and did PR work for small businesses. Thankfully Dani didn’t have a problem with Lana keeping these other income sources flowing, as her skills could only enhance her work at the center.

During a break a couple days later, Lana told Ryatt about Quinton popping in at Lana’s office to meet her.

He nodded. “That would be her. She’s very outgoing, and, once she knew that you were here and were interested in meeting her, she’d have been there in a heartbeat.”

“Well, she seems like such a lovely person.”