Page 2 of Ever with Hades

Hades and Persephone

On the first instance Hades’ gaze settled on the brown-haired girl, the Prince of Darkness fell in love. Watching her play amidst the flowers, running freely on the meadows, and frolicking in the lake, Hades saw her as the epitome of joy and beauty, innocence and love.

He wanted her. He must have her.

And so he did.

He went to her, a figure in and from the dark, a prince who made the promise of eternal night more forbiddingly thrilling than lonely and terrifying. His eyes, a swirl of black, white, and gray, mesmerized the girl, and she rose from her knees, trembling.

When he offered his hand, she did not hesitate, and even as her heart beat maddeningly hard and fast, she placed her hand in his.

Days passed, and Hades sought to be in the girl’s company almost every day. They talked and talked, past sun down and even when the moon reached its zenith in the sky. And finally, the day came that when the stars faded into slumber, Hades and the girl became one.

The shadows they left on the grass blended, and her soft cries filled the night.

He pledged his love to her, and so did she.

When streaks of sunrise began to paint their skin, Hades turned to the girl in his arms. Looking at her, knowing that she had given herself to his, he had never felt more invincible and alive. For countless millennia, he had believed that it was his destiny to walk alone, despite what the prophecies foretold.

But with her—-

With just one touch, she managed to sweep away the loneliness inside of his heart. With her, he began to hope, and if she agreed to be truly his, he would treasure her forever.

“Persephone.” His lips savored the sound of her name. Persephone, Persephone, Persephone. Each utterance brought him untold pleasure.

She looked up at him. “What is it, my love?”

He said slowly, “I want you to be with me.”

Her eyes shone. “Then be with me! I will tell Mother about you, and we could—-” Her voice trailed off at the way Hades’ beautiful face remained grave. She said uncertainly, “What is it? Do you not want me to tell others about us?”

“You misunderstand,” he said tenderly. “It would be my pleasure to let mankind and the world beyond it to know that you have captured my heart.” He touched her face. “But the way we are now – the way we do – cannot continue. My world languishes every time I am away. So you must make a choice.” He drew a deep breath. “And I hope you will choose me.”

Her eyes widened, and she let out a nervous laugh. “If I didn’t know you so well, I w-would think you are proposing marriage.”

Hades said simply, “I am.”

Persephone gasped.

“I love you, Persephone. You should know that by now.” He looked into her eyes. “Do you love me?”

“Of course I do,” she cried out. And then unable to help it, she threw her arms around him, causing him to release a startled laugh as her sudden weight forced him to fall back on the grass. She rained kisses all over his face, laughing as well, but when she pulled away to look down on him, tears were streaming on her cheeks.

“Oh, Hades. I never even hoped you would love me, too.” She smiled tremulously at him. “Everyone says that you are the type to make all the girls cry and break their hearts because no matter what, you will not fall in love with them. Every girl I know wants to marry you, do you know? Every girl!”

“But I don’t want any girl. I want you.”

Her cheeks turned pink. “Oh, Hades. You are one of our most powerful gods, brother to Zeus himself. How can you want someone such as me?”

“You are a goddess yourself,” he reminded her. “Demeter’s blood runs in your veins, and she is an Olympian like me.”

“Exactly.” Her smile was pained. “It is Mother who is powerful and famous, not me. You should have fallen in love with someone who had done more for the world, someone like Artemis—-”

Hades grinned. “She would not hesitate to shoot arrows into my body if she learns I am contemplating matrimony with her.”

“Then Athena?”

“She will steal Zeus’ thunderbolt and strike me down.”

In a small voice, she asked, “Are you certain I am deserving of your love?”

He shook his head, saying gently, “It is the other way around. I am not deserving of your love. I am sinful and broken, and yet still you entrusted yourself to me. You are everything I have wanted but never allowed myself to dream. You have enslaved me, milady, and I have never been happier to be one’s captive.”

He clasped her face and drew her down for a kiss, and she surrendered to his touch with a soft moan.