Page 3 of Ever with Hades

When he pulled away, he was smiling. “I love you.” But his eyes remained grave.

“I love you, too, Hades.” She touched his brow. “But I don’t like you looking you so sad.” She bit her lip. “Tell me of this choice I need to make. If it’s to make you smile from the heart, I will do it.”

He captured her hand and brought it to his lips, his heart softening at her words. “If only it were that easy, my love,” he said with a half smile.

“It is when you love each other.” She traced his lips. “So tell me.”

And so he did.

“If you choose a life with me, my love, I promise to give all of myself to you. You will be my Queen – my everything. But it is also a life that dwells forever in the darkness, and there can only be a few days in each season that we may leave my kingdom. The balance of the worlds above would be ruptured if we were to stay away far too long from it.”

At her silence, Hades rose up and gazed down at her. She was still lying on her side, one hand under her face, and her large eyes were filled with turmoil. It wrenched his heart, and he said tautly, “I am asking too much from someone as young and sheltered as you. I understand this. But I also had to let you know because I didn’t want you to think I’m abandoning you. I must return to my kingdom and—-”

She sat up and placed her fingers on his lips to stall his words.

Their eyes met.

“I will go to the ends of the earth with you if it is what you ask, Hades.”

His heart thundered against his chest, and he had to fight for control as he carefully removed her fingers. “Do you understand what you’re saying?” he asked hoarsely. “Do you understand what life will you lead by becoming my bride?”

“Yes, my love.”

His arms locked around her, and he nearly crushed her to him, making her cry out in laughing protest. “Hades!”

He forced himself to loosen his hold. “Sorry, my love.” He kissed her hair. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Chapter One

Over a thousand years later, in a small town in England...

Ever Carlisle wiped the tears from her eyes surreptitiously as she closed the book and hid it under her pillows. Although her bed was but boards of wood and her blanket was nothing but an old discarded curtain, these little discomforts ceased to exist the moment she lost herself in the stories of the Underworld.

She could no longer count the number of times she had read this particular version of Hades and Persephone, but she was pretty sure she would continue reading it over and over. It was just so beautiful and romantic, so...much everything that her life was not was.

The buzzer in her room sounded, reminding her on cue that Hades and Persephone’s love story was a dream and this—-

The buzzing went on and on, threatening to shatter her eardrums.

This was reality.

She had once asked Arisa if the volume could be adjusted, and her aunt had only given her a look. The next day, the buzzing had gotten twice as loud, and Ever had learned her lesson.

Biting back a sigh, Ever sat up and reached for the intercom. She pressed the number for her aunt’s room. When her aunt picked up, she murmured, “Good morning—-”

Arisa cut her off rudely, demanding, “What’s taking you so long?”

“I’m sorry, Aunt. I’ll be right—-”

Arisa slammed the phone down on her.

“—-there,” she finished unnecessarily. Returning the receiver to its place, she walked to the windows of her bedroom, which was really the house’s old and unrepaired attic. The world outside beckoned, with its cerulean skies and the sound of life.

Chirping birds, the low chatter of neighbors greeting each other, and if she closed her eyes, she could even imagine hearing the way the wind sang of all the dazzling and beautiful things it had seen.

This world was beautiful, but for one like her, it was but an oppressive cage and she would gladly trade it for a world of eternal night if it meant she could just be...


Outside, the skies slowly turned overcast. Lightning flashed. Thunder rolled. And then it started to drizzle. She closed her eyes, the sound of raindrops soothing her.

She loved weather like this, mostly because she felt like this was how the Underworld would be.

Exquisitely, soothingly dark, and ruled by a king and queen who loved each other.

I don’t care if I’m stupid, Ever thought with a rare burst of stubbornness. Dreams were free anyway so why couldn’t she let herself dream of the most magical things?

And for her, that dream would be to find her own Hades one day.

Her Hades would sweep Ever off her feet and take her away from all of life’s cruel realities.