‘I want you too.’

He lifted her in one effortless swoop and carried her upstairs to his bedroom. He laid her on the mattress and, after dispensing with the rest of his clothes, dealt with the rest of hers. But somewhere along the way he slowed down the mad pace of his lovemaking and subjected her to an exquisite worship of her body from head to foot that made every cell throb and vibrate with need. His lips, his tongue, his hands, even his breath skating over her skin built her desire to fever pitch until she was all but begging for mercy.

‘How much do you want me?’ he said against her belly, his stubble grazing her skin.

‘So much. Oh, please...please...’ She writhed and twisted, aching for that final push.

He sheathed himself with a condom and entered her in a thick thrust that set off an explosion in her swollen flesh. She arched her spine to keep the contact where she needed it, the rioting sensations shooting through her like fireworks. She had barely recovered from that first orgasm when another one followed, a deeper one that rolled through her in tumultuous waves.

The contractions of her body must have triggered his own for he tensed all over and then surged deeper into her and shuddered and spilled.

Alice flung her head back against the pillows with a blissful sigh. ‘Wow. Double wow.’

He propped himself up on his elbows and traced a fingertip down between her breasts. ‘Not many women can orgasm like that without direct stimulation.’

She smiled and stroked a hand down his muscled arm. ‘So I’m special, am I?’

His gaze intensified. ‘You’re the most responsive lover I’ve ever had.’

Alice tiptoed her fingers over his bicep. ‘That’s really saying something since you’ve had so many and all.’

He frowned at her tone and moved away to deal with the condom. ‘You shouldn’t believe everything you read in the press. If I’d bedded even half the women the press said I had, I wouldn’t have had time to run my business.’

Alice sat up and reached for the throw on the end of the bed, wrapping it around her body. She was annoyed for broadcasting her jealousy again. How would she be able to walk away from their relationship with any dignity once it was time to go if she kept yammering on about his playboy lifestyle? He had a perfect right to have lovers. Numerous lovers.

No one had stopped her doing the same. No one but her, that was. She should be feeling happy he had at least refrained from bringing anyone back to his villa since her. That was huge. And the fact he had waited eight months surely should make her feel a little mollified, but sadly it didn’t. He might not have moved on as quickly as the press had reported but neither had he come after her. He had kept his distance and seven long years had gone past. Seven years they could have had together...

She stood from the bed. ‘I’m going to take off my make-up.’

He came to stand in front of her, his expression softening. ‘I thought we agreed not to take cheap shots at each other.’

Alice rolled her lips together and then sighed. ‘I’m sorry.’

He lifted her chin, brushing his thumb over her lower lip. ‘I want us to be friends when this is over. It’s what my grandmother would’ve wanted.’

‘You don’t think she wanted us to...to make a go of it?’

His hand fell away from her face. ‘If she did then that’s too bad because it’s not going to happen.’

But it could if he wanted it to.

Alice tried to ignore the tight spasm of her heart. He was ruling out any possibility of them being a proper couple. Refusing to contemplate a future with her. A future with all the things she longed for now. What a cruel quirk of fate to have their roles reversed.

‘Did I say I wanted it to? I’m just saying she probably had it in mind when she conjured up this scheme. At the very least she would’ve wanted us to settle our differences.’

Cristiano ran a hand through his hair. ‘We’ve done that.’

‘Have we?’

He let out a long breath and stepped close to her again, cupping her cheek in one broad hand, his dark chocolate eyes holding hers. ‘You no longer hate me, do you, cara?’

I never hated you.

Alice gave him a wobbly smile. ‘Do you still hate me?’


e brought his mouth down to within a millimetre of hers. ‘Does this feel like hate to you?’ And covered her mouth with his.