It felt like heaven.

* * *

When Alice got back to work on Monday it was like stepping into controlled chaos.

Meghan greeted her with a beaming smile from behind the reception counter. ‘You would not believe the number of clients who want to see you. You’re fully booked for months and months. Years probably. Your engagement to Cristiano Marchetti has opened doors. Big doors. Guess which Hollywood superstar wants you to do their make-up for their wedding in November? You’ll never ever guess.’

She pulled out a chair and pushed it towards Alice.

‘Here, you’d better sit down before I tell you.’

Alice ignored the chair. ‘It’s all right—I won’t faint. Who is it?’

Meghan named a rising-star female actor who was the current toast of Hollywood.

‘And that’s not all,’ she continued in a rush of excitement. ‘She’s going to fly you, all expenses paid, to the wedding location. It’s top secret so as to keep the press away so you won’t be told until the very last moment. You’ll have to sign a confidentiality agreement. I bet it’s going to be in Bora Bora or maybe at Richard Branson’s place, you know, Necker Island. Or maybe St Bart’s. Oh, God, imagine if it was in St Bart’s. You’ll need an assistant, won’t you?’ She clasped her hands as if in prayer. ‘Take me with you? Please, please, please?’

Alice laughed at the exuberant puppy-like look on her young employee’s face. ‘I’ll have to see if the booking comes off first. No point getting too excited. You know what some of those Hollywood celebrities are like. Their weddings are cancelled at a moment’s notice.’

Some of Meghan’s enthusiasm sagged. ‘True, but if it goes ahead things will never be the same around here. You’ll be the wedding make-up artist to the stars.’

I have to get through my own ‘wedding’ first.

* * *

Alice’s first client of the day a few days later was a bride-to-be who was booked in for a trial make-up session.

Jennifer Preston was the epitome of a woman radiantly in love. She had been coming to Alice for years as a client and somehow over the time their relationship had morphed into friendship. Jennifer had always bemoaned the fact she hadn’t been able to find a suitable partner. But now she was happily engaged to a man she had met on a blind date set up by a friend and it truly was a match made in heaven.

Even a hardened cynic like Alice had to admit love at first sight could happen. Jennifer’s fiancé, Marcus, dropped her off at her appointment, and the way he looked at Jennifer when he kissed her goodbye made Alice feel like an imposter. Not that Cristiano didn’t look at her with affection and tenderness, but it wasn’t as if he were truly in love with her as Marcus was with Jennifer and had been from the moment they’d met.

During Jennifer’s trial make-up session, she told Alice about her wedding dress and the romantic honeymoon Marcus had planned. ‘You know, Alice, a few months ago I was single and hating it,’ Jennifer said. ‘Now I’m getting married to a man I adore and he adores me. But you know what I’m talking about. That man of yours is a seriously fast worker. Have you chosen your dress?’

‘Erm... Not yet, but I plan to duck out between clients this afternoon,’ Alice said. ‘So much to do, so little time.’

Jennifer rolled her eyes. ‘Tell me about it.’ She leaned forward to check her make-up. ‘Gosh, you’ve done a brilliant job. I look almost beautiful.’

Alice put her hand on Jennifer’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. ‘You are beautiful. You’re positively glowing.’

Jennifer placed her hand over Alice’s, her eyes shimmering with excitement. ‘I haven’t told anyone else but Marcus yet, but I’m pregnant. Six weeks. Will you be godmother when it’s born?’

Alice blinked in surprise. ‘Me?’

Jennifer swung the chair around so she was facing Alice instead of talking to her reflection in the mirror. She grasped Alice’s hands in hers. ‘Why not you? You and I have been banging on about the paucity of good men in London for the last seven years. Now we’re both getting married within weeks of each other. And who knows? Maybe you’ll get pregnant soon too.’

Alice stretched her mouth into a smile that felt as fake as her upcoming wedding. ‘I’d be thrilled to be godmother. Truly honoured.’

Jennifer smiled. ‘That’s settled, then. Of course, you’re bringing Cristiano to my wedding? I’ll talk to the wedding planner about changing the seating arrangements. I’ve put you on a great table.’

‘That’s very kind,’ Alice said. ‘I’ll have to check with him to see if he’s free that weekend.’

‘I’m sure he’d do anything for you,’ Jennifer said, eyes sparkling. ‘He’s a man in love, right?’


ALICE RUSHED OUT between clients to check a couple of wedding boutiques in the area but couldn’t see anything that captured her attention. Or maybe it was her mood that was the problem. She’d been fighting a tension headache all afternoon. It didn’t feel right trying on dresses for a wedding that wasn’t going to last. It wasn’t just the expense of a dress, which was astronomical at the top end of town, but more the thought of play-acting at bride and groom when all she wanted was for it to be real.

How different would this shopping trip be if she were a bride like Jennifer Preston? Trying on beautiful gowns and veils, imagining Cristiano’s face at the end of the aisle when she appeared at the church.