Why hadn’t she got someone to call him? Didn’t she realise how that made him feel? Didn’t she have an inkling of what he’d gone through just then? ‘But you should have called me or had someone do it for you.’

Her frown deepened. ‘Why should I?’

He gave her a speaking look. ‘Come on, Alice, we’re engaged to be married, for God’s sake. I’m the first person you or someone taking care of you should call when something like this happens.’

Her gaze slipped out of reach of his. ‘We’re not exactly like a normal couple, though, are we?’

Cristiano tightened his hold on her hand. ‘This isn’t the time or place to have this conversation. You’re not well and I’m in no state to be rational.’

There was a long silence.

‘Aren’t you going to ask?’ Alice said.

‘Ask what?’

She turned her head to meet his gaze. ‘Whether I’m pregnant.’

Cristiano’s heart juddered to a stop and then started again with a sickening jolt. ‘Are you?’


He was glad...wasn’t he? Of course he was. A baby was the last thing he wanted. A baby would change everything. He didn’t want anything changed. Their marriage was two weeks away and that was all he wanted to think about right now. Get the job done. Mission accomplished. Move on.

‘That’s good.’ He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. ‘I bet you’re relieved about that.’

Another weary smile flicke

red across her mouth. ‘Sure am.’ She shifted on the bed as if the mattress was uncomfortable. ‘I’ve been asked to be godmother to a client-stroke-friend’s baby. I’m going to her wedding after I do her make-up next weekend. She’s invited you since we’re...you know, supposed to be engaged.’

‘Would you like me to go with you?’

Her teeth sank into the pillow of her lip for a moment. ‘I guess it’ll be a good practice run, huh? See how it’s done and all.’

‘You’ve been to a wedding before, surely? Or has your aversion to them stretched that far?’

‘I was flower girl at my mother’s second marriage,’ Alice said. ‘I tripped going up the aisle and my stepfather told me off for it afterwards in front of all the guests. I was so mortified I wet my pants.’

Cristiano frowned. ‘How old were you?’

‘Six. He carried on about it for years and my mother never did anything to stop him.’ She gave a little sigh. ‘I was glad when he left her for another woman. But for a while after Mum blamed me for jinxing their wedding day.’

‘Does she still blame you?’

‘No, not now.’ Another sigh wafted past her lips. ‘But I didn’t go to her third wedding on principle.’

‘In case you tripped up the aisle?’

She gave him a worldly look. ‘No, because her third husband has wandering hands and is a thief.’

Cristiano could see now why she had a thing about marriage. ‘What about your father? Did he ever marry again?’

‘Yes, and surprisingly it’s working,’ she said. ‘He and Tania haven’t had it easy, though. They have a little boy with severe autism. That’s why I give Dad money from time to time, to pay for Sam’s therapy.’

‘That’s kind of you.’

She gave a little movement of her lips that could have loosely passed for a smile. ‘My dad isn’t as bad as my mother always makes out. He just wasn’t ready for marriage way back then. He’s grown up now. He’s taking responsibility for his wife and family. I know he wasn’t an angel by any means when he was married to my mother, but he wasn’t in love with her. Not the way he is with Tania.’

Her fingers plucked at the hem of the sheet.