‘I guess that’s what makes or breaks a marriage. Whether the love is strong enough to cope with what life dishes up.’

The nurse came in at that point and Cristiano moved aside so she could detach the drip from Alice’s arm. He couldn’t help thinking of how little he had known of Alice’s background in the past. Why hadn’t he asked her more about her childhood? Why hadn’t he told her more about his?

They had been two people madly in lust with each other, sharing their bodies but not sharing their hearts and minds. Not communicating other than on a physical level. He had found out more about her in this hospital cubicle than he had in the whole time he had dated her in the past. Would it have made a difference if he’d talked to her? Really talked to her?

‘You’re good to go,’ the nurse said once the drip was out and the paperwork dealt with. ‘Take care of yourself, Alice. Keep those fluids up and get plenty of rest, okay?’

‘I’ll make sure she does,’ Cristiano said.

* * *

Alice walked out of the hospital with Cristiano’s arm around her waist. Her headache had eased and her stomach had stopped its churning. He had looked so undone by her being sick. She had never seen him look so distressed. Did that mean he cared more about her than he let on? Surely it wasn’t an act for the sake of appearances?

But then there was a lot hanging in the balance. If she didn’t fulfil the terms of the will then he would lose those shares and the home he had grown up in after his family were killed.

Or was that why he had been so rattled? Because hospitals reminded him of the accident that had taken his family from him?

Cristiano hailed a cab and within a short while they were home at her house and she was tucked up in bed with a long cool glass of water with a slice of lemon and ice cubes in it. He sat on the edge of the bed beside her, his hand taking one of hers in a gentle hold. ‘How are you feeling?’

‘Tired and a bit embarrassed about all the fuss I’ve caused.’

His fingers stroked the back of her hand. ‘Yeah, well, you certainly gave me a bad half an hour or so.’ His thumb did a slow brush over each of her tendons as if he were committing them to memory. He looked at her with a strained gaze. ‘I thought I was going to lose you a second time.’

Alice squeezed his hand, her heart giving a little flutter at the depth of caring in his eyes. ‘I wish I hadn’t left the way I did back then. I ended up hurting myself more than you.’

‘We hurt each other, cara,’ he said. ‘I can’t believe I was so damn stubborn about it. I could’ve called you in a day or two. I should’ve called you. But I was too proud. Proud and angry. All those years went by. Not a day passed without me thinking of what could have been.’

His fingers tightened on her hand.

‘I thought losing my family was bad, but losing you seven years ago was like a lid slamming down on all of my hopes. I decided it was better to be alone than to invite such rejection again. I’ve kept every relationship since as shallow and temporary as I could. Until now.’

Until now.

What did that mean? Did it mean he wanted their relationship to continue past the six months laid down in his grandmother’s will? Alice reached up to stroke his face.

‘We’ve been such stubborn fools—me in particular. I was so determined not to love anyone in case they took control of me, but I think I fell in love with you that first day when you made me laugh about my backpack catching your clothing. I spent the next six weeks denying it, blocking it. Sabotaging it.’

He pressed his lips against her bent fingers. ‘We have a second chance to work at our relationship. Nonna has given us that. But let’s talk about that when you’re not feeling so out of whack.’ He leaned forward to drop a kiss to her forehead. ‘I’ll sleep in one of the spare rooms so you get a good night’s sleep.’

Alice hung onto his hand when he rose from the bed. ‘No, don’t go.’

‘Alice, I—’

‘Just hold me, okay?’

He gave a sigh and gathered her close, his chin resting on top of her head. ‘As long as you need me I’ll be here.’

How about for ever?


ALICE WOKE THE next morning to find Cristiano lying beside her on top of the bedcovers with his legs crossed at the ankles. He was still fully dressed, although his tie was askew and the first three buttons of his shirt undone and his sleeves rolled up his forearms. His hair was rumpled as if he’d raked his fingers through it and his face looked tired and drawn.

She rolled to her side and tiptoed a fingertip down the bridge of his nose. His face gave a twitch or two and then his eyes opened and he sat bolt upright.

‘What?’ He sucked in a harsh-sounding breath. ‘Oh, sorry, cara. You okay? Did you say something?’

‘No, I was just watching you sleep.’