Page 49 of Roar Deal

Natalie did and let out a little gasp as the elegant, dark blue heels converted into a set of cushioned flats. “Well, that’s handy,” she muttered.

Trull put her hands on Lexi’s hips and stroked the layers of fabric down as she straightened the folds at the waist. She was focusing so hard that her tongue stuck out the corner of her mouth. Lexi waited until Trull was almost done, then leaned to the side.

“Lexi!” Trull shrieked. “Do you want to be crooked?”

“Maybe,” Lexi laughed. “It sounds like fun!”

She kept giggling but stood up straight, letting Trull finish. They really shouldn’t leave Rao waiting at the altar, no matter how much fun Lexi was having at her pre-wedding party.

Lexi’s hair had been done by a Nova Aurora stylist, and it flowed across her shoulders in amazing, bright golden waves. Her makeup was very light and skillful, accentuating her features without being overdone.

The dress was an absolute wonder. Ice-white layers of very light, smooth, shiny fabric wrapped tightly around her waist, supporting her bust into a V-neckline. Shimmering waves fell from her hips to brush against her ankles in loose folds. Over the top, a lace overlay blinked with tiny, glistening stars that winked, sparkled, and even streaked across the gown, mimicking comets.

Trull stood up, grunting in satisfaction. “I think I have it set now. There’s a little silver clip at the back to catch the waist, so the overlay falls just right over the skirt. I just wanted to get it straight.”

“I think you’ve done a fine job, Trull,” Lexi said, smiling. Her friend was wearing a dusky pink dress decorated with tiny red rosebuds. She had been overjoyed when Lexi asked her to be her maid of honor. When Lexi had given her one of her royal gowns, Trull had been completely blown away.

“So, are we going now?” Natalie asked, heading to the mirror. Lexi smiled at her mother, who was wearing a Nova Aurora-style gown in shades of dark blue patterned over sky-azure and aqua.

“Yes, Mom,” Lexi said. “We’ll go.”

“Wait!” Gerri cried, leaping up. She tottered over in her very high black heels, her short gray dress converting into a long formal gown as she walked. She picked up a twisted silver crown that was woven with perfect, snow-white rosebuds.

“There,” she said, settling in on Lexi’s head.

Lexi smiled at Gerri, giving her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. “None of this would be happening if it wasn’t for you,” Lexi said.

Gerri gave her an extra hard squeeze. “It is my pleasure, my dear. The only thing I want in return is to see you and Rao happy.”

Lexi couldn’t stop smiling. She had never been so happy in her entire life.

The bridal party began to walk through the castle from Lexi’s quarters, all the girls except Gerri opting to shift their shoes to flats. Gerri strode along in the impossibly high heels as if she had supernatural balance.

For all I know, it is supernatural. She’s definitely an unusual woman.

There was an extra-large air bike waiting for them out the front, with attendants to help them board. Lexi felt a hush fall over the group as if their excitement had peaked, and now that they were on their way to the event, no one had anything left to say.

Trull grabbed Lexi’s hand and squeezed it.

“I’m just so happy that you’re staying and that King Rao has finally patched things up with Jagi. It’s going to be a new era for the kingdom.”

“Kingdom,” Natalie muttered. She was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that her daughter was getting married, let alone to an alien king.

Lexi looked out the window as they headed through the streets, seeing that almost every building was empty. It would have been eerie if there wasn’t an air of expectation about the city. The few people they saw were busy organizing the celebration, and they waved enthusiastically at Lexi as she passed by.

She waved back, smiling. She was still a little overwhelmed that she was going to be the wife of a king and actually a queen, but to her, being with Rao meant more than anything else ever could.

The air bike cruised through the streets, heading out of the populated area to a massive garden. The vehicle had to elevate to climb a massive hill that was topped with a wide, sweeping tent. The driver parked behind it and looked at the women with a smile.

“Here we are, ladies. I think we’re right on time too.”

“Thank you,” Gerri said. “You get yourself a decent seat.”

The driver nodded, smiling as Lexi passed him by. He gave her a light nod in place of a bow, and Lexi blushed. She was still getting used to being treated like royalty.

The girls went through a tent flap, and they all fussed over each other for a few minutes, holding in their tears. Natalie, Gerri, and Trull headed out to take their places with the bridal party, and Lexi’s father, Peter, came in to walk her down the aisle.

“Oh, honey,” he said, shaking his head. “You’re absolutely breathtaking.”