Page 50 of Roar Deal

“Thanks, Dad,” she said, ducking her head bashfully. He gave her a brief hug and handed her a bouquet of beautiful Nova Aurora flowers that matched her gown.

“Your man is waiting, darling,” Peter said, holding out his elbow. Lexi took it and stepped up to the main opening of the tent.

As the layers of fabric peeled back, every person in the guest rows stood and turned to her. It was supposed to be a small wedding, but dignitaries from both kingdoms had been invited, which ended up making it look pretty big, to Lexi, at least.

A long strip of pale carpet had been rolled out from the tent to the podium so the girls wouldn’t sink into the grass in their high heels. When Rao had suggested getting married on the high bluff just outside the city, Lexi had been overjoyed. It was an exceptionally beautiful spot.

Even though the views rolled out around her in every direction, showing high, awe-inspiring mountains, great sweeping plains dotted with purple trees, and the magnificent pink ocean edged with pale sand, Lexi only had eyes for Rao.

He stood at the podium under a wicker archway covered in climbing roses. Behind him, Jagi was standing with a massive smile on his face. Gerri, Natalie, and Trull were waiting on the other side of the officiant.

Music began to play, and Lexi took long, smooth strides down the aisle with her father by her side. Her eyes were locked on Rao as she walked, and it was as if she was seeing him for the first time.

His dark hair was cut short and smoothed down at the nape of his neck, making the dramatic features of his face even sharper. He was wearing a white jacket in earth-style over a silvery gray vest that matched her dress. The straight, tailored gray slacks accented the colors beautifully.

As she got closer, Lexi saw Rao’s deep green eyes practically eating her up. She grinned and blushed, giving him a little wink. She knew they were both thinking the same thing.

The wedding gear looks so good. I can’t wait to tear it off!

She giggled a little as she reached the altar, bending to the side to kiss her father on the cheek. He let her go with a smile, and Lexi turned to take Rao’s hands as they stood before the officiant.

The words were a blur, and Lexi only came back to the present moment when she had to make her vow. All she could see was Rao. He filled her mind and captured her gaze so much that, at times, it almost felt like they were alone on the bluff.

When the time came for the rings, Lexi felt a clutch of excitement deep inside her chest. She had dreamed of this moment so many times, but she had never allowed herself to admit how much she wanted it.

Her ring was simple gold, with a pattern of lions engraved around it with impossibly fine detail. Such a thing could only be found on Nova Aurora.

When the officiant finished the ceremony, Lexi didn’t hear. The crowd exploded with joy, and she and Rao just stood there, staring at each other and smiling as if there was no one else in the world.

Trull snuck forward and gave Lexi a nudge. “You’re supposed to kiss him,” she muttered.

“It’s finally the good part, brother. Kiss her,” hissed Jagi.

Rao laughed, taking Lexi in his arms. She ran her hands over his chest, relaxing into his strong embrace. When their lips touched, sparks of pleasure ran through her that were so intense that goosebumps flared across her skin.

Rao deepened the kiss, and Lexi gave herself to it. She melted into Rao’s arms and let all her doubts dissolve under the warmth of his passion and the strength of his love.

Lexi had complete and utter faith now that good things were coming her way and that she deserved them. There was such a deep, exuberant joy inside her that it could not be clouded by fear or doubt.

A million crab monsters could set upon me right now, and I would not be afraid. I know that no matter how dark it gets, I will always have Rao and this family.

Rao finally broke off the kiss, turning with Lexi to face the cheering crowd. Lexi blushed under all the attention, holding tightly to Rao’s hand to keep herself steady.

“Congratulations,” Gerri said, coming forward to kiss Lexi on the cheek. “I am so happy for you both.”

“Thank you,” Rao said, holding Gerri’s hand and looking her in the eye. “Thank you for everything.”

Gerri gave him a quick hug. “It’s what I do,” she said, laughing as she headed away from the podium.

Trull slid an arm around Lexi’s waist, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. “You look so beautiful. And, King Rao, you are just dashing in that suit. I’m so excited. Every day at the palace is going to be a party with you two in charge.”

Lexi laughed softly, hugging her friend. She was looking forward to spending her days shopping and chatting with Trull. She’d truly never had such a good friend.

When the crowds pulled back a little, Lexi saw her mother crying into a handkerchief and clinging to Peter. Luckily, Nova Aurora's makeup wouldn’t be affected by tears, even though Natalie was truly bawling and wiping her cheeks.

Lexi’s dad waved and grinned, shuffling Natalie along until they were right in front of the happy couple. Natalie threw her arms around Rao, sobbing into his chest.

“It’s all so beautiful!” she cried. “The wedding, the palace, everything. I’m just, I mean, I can’t …”