Page 51 of Roar Deal

Natalie descended into sobs again, clinging to Rao. Lexi gently pried her away and gave her mother a big hug before handing her back to Peter.

“She’ll be okay,” Lexi’s dad said. “She just never thought she’d see this day. I think it might finally be sinking in that we’re on an alien planet too.”

“Should I shift into a lion to make a point?” Rao said with a cheeky smile.

“If you ruin that suit, the head tailor might have something to say,” Jagi said, laughing.

“Too true,” Rao agreed. “He might short hem my pants for the rest of my life.”

Jagi laughed, shaking his head. He swept out his arm as he indicated the masses of guests, family members, and dignitaries, as well as the reception being set up in a nearby tent.

“This is a hell of a day, brother. I don’t envy you. It looks like a lot of trouble.”

“Ah,” Rao said, shaking his head. “Don’t jinx yourself! You could be next.”

Jagi looked so completely horrified that Lexi clapped a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing. She snuggled closer to Rao, who looked down at her with a tender expression.

“I think there’s been enough standing around,” Gerri announced as she headed back to the group. “It’s time to party!”

Lexi couldn’t have agreed more and hurried to catch up to Gerri, clinging to Rao’s hand as they took their first steps into their new life together.



He held her close as they danced, their wedding reception coming to a close. Most of the guests had retired for the night, but they were trying to hold out as best they could. They were only getting married once, after all.

"Thank you," she said, leaning back slightly to look at him. "This turned out amazing. The music, the weather, and everyone that was able to attend. It means a lot to me that you accommodated so much."

He gave her a smile in return. "We're a team, and you wanted them here, so I made it happen."

They swayed to the music, being the last people standing. The night had set, and it was late. They only had an hour or so left of the day, and then it would be over. He looked forward to what came after. The marriage and being together. He looked forward to having kids and spending their years together.

"We should head up," he said, resting his lips near her ear. "It's late, and I'm sure the band is close to dropping." He could see them swaying in the corner of his eye.

She glanced at the band, and he could hear her chuckle. "Maybe we should. They have been playing all day."

He leaned back and gave the band a wave. All of them moved at once, suddenly eager to be free. He watched them run, and soon they were alone. He wrapped his arms around her. "Shall we head inside?"

She gave him a nod, looking almost tired.

As they turned to head inside, she giggled. "Poor guys are going to be sore tomorrow."

He pulled the door open, allowing her to walk in before him. He took in her dress, seeing the way it lay tightly around her skin. It stirred a hunger inside him. He hadn't seen her looking so sexy ever.

"Not as sore as you're going to be," he growled at her, eager to get her into bed.

She turned to him, her eyes a little wider now. He raised an eyebrow, taking a step toward her. "You know our marriage isn't legal until we consummate it."

He watched a smirk cover her face, and she looked humored. "Oh, really? That sounds like it could be a problem. We should probably get right on that."

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a kiss. He meant for it to be soft, but it wasn't. It was filled with lust and hunger. He could devour her whole right there in the middle of the entryway.

They stumbled back until they hit a wall, where she moaned. He yanked her off the ground, pressing her firmly against the wall, deepening the kiss. He wanted to taste every inch of her mouth.

He wanted to run his tongue over her entire body and mark her as his. He wanted there never to be the question of who she belonged to.

She inhaled, and her breast rubbed against him roughly. He pulled at her dress, undoing a button from the back. He couldn't wait until the bedroom.