Page 6 of Roar Deal

Lexi looked around, trying to process what was happening. She didn’t have a chance … it was all too bizarre. She took a final look around the dark basement room, then stepped through and onto Nova Aurora.

Immediately, a warm, fresh wind blew against her, whipping her blonde hair straight into her face. The breeze seemed to tease around her, bringing hints of a floral scent from the nearby garden. Lexi breathed in the oxygen-rich fragrant air, closing her eyes briefly as if she could taste the planet itself.

When she opened her eyes, she turned slowly around. She let out a strangled gasp as she looked up, way up. The massive castle rose so high above that she could not see the roof. The walls were pale cream, not quite white. They shone in the sun as if they admitted their own light.

Lexi was standing in a huge courtyard that led away to gardens and fountains on either side. Gerri stood not far away, closer to the massive archways at the front of the castle. A slight, gray-haired older man was hurrying down the wide steps.

“Gerri!” he cried, opening his arms. “Lovely to see you, my dear!”

“Kinn,” Gerri said, taking the man’s hands and squeezing them warmly. “It’s good to be back.”

“And who do we have here?” he asked, coming to shake Lexi’s hand. “I am Kinn, the castle steward. That means I pretty much run the place. May I ask your name, dear?”

“I’m Lexi,” she said, glad that her voice was working. She was so excited that she thought her voice might come out as a petrified squeak.

“Come in, come in,” Kinn said, gesturing through the doors. “Leave your bag, Lexi. A runner will take it. Come on through, and I’ll make introductions.”

They walked up the wide staircase and through the massive archways. The main foyer was huge, the ceiling high enough over Lexi’s head to fit dragons into the hall.

Wait. Do they have dragons?

Kinn led them to a courtyard on the side of the atrium. To Lexi’s shock, Queen Bella and King Alyx were seated on a bench next to a fountain, sharing morning tea.I thought they’d be on a throne or something.

They invited Lexi and Gerri to sit. When they passed over scones with jam and frothy coffee, Lexi was impressed and comforted. It was nice to see something familiar.

“So, Lexi, tell us about yourself,” Bella said excitedly. “It’s not every day Gerri brings a new match out here.”

“Oh, there’s not much to tell,” Lexi said, mumbling through a big mouthful of soft scone with lashings of cream and jam.

“It’s so nice of you to meet Rao,” Bella said, pouring some tea. “This castle is way too big for him by himself.”

“Excuse me?” Lexi struggled to speak and swallow at the same time.I thought this was their place … I’m getting introduced to a guy that has his own freaking castle?

Gerri smiled, lifting a delicate china cup of tea from the table as if she was trying to hide her smug expression. “Oh, didn’t I mention that he was a king too? Silly of me,” Gerri said, taking a sip of tea.

Lexi was about to ask a million questions … if she could find the words to ask them … when there was a noise by the door. She looked over, half expecting to see an elephant shifter.Things can’t get any weirder.

Her mouth dropped open in shock as her eyes greedily ate up the scene.But they can get hotter.A tall man was striding toward the table with purposeful movements. He kept his head high and his pace even as he approached.

Though he was dressed in a loose black tunic over slacks, she could see the hard lines of his muscular body underneath. The features of his face were strong and proud, and his hair glinted dark auburn in the dappled shadows.

As he got closer, she saw his eyes were green but not pale like her own. No, they were dark, deep green, glinting like emeralds, as they picked her out from the others and focused on her with an intense gaze.

Is that the guy?

“Hello, Gerri,” he said, his voice a rich, deep baritone that seemed to stroke Lexi from the inside out. “How are you? Did you have a nice trip?”

“I did indeed,” she said, standing to kiss his cheek. “So lovely of you to entertain us, Rao.”

Oh, my, fucking, God. It is the guy.

Lexi couldn’t move. She could barely even breathe. Arousal was rushing through her so fast that it was washing away every coherent thought.

“Rao, meet Lexi,” Gerri said, getting out of the way so they could shake hands. “Lexi, this is Rao.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Rao said, stepping dangerously close to her.

Lexi was wondering if she could actually touch this guy without having a spontaneous orgasm. She tried to breathe. Tried to think. All she could do was stare.