Page 7 of Roar Deal

Say something! Anything!



Rao’s eyes had been locked on to the beautiful, curvy woman from the moment he came through the door. His eyes were struck by her shimmering golden hair and her luscious curvy figure. His hands practically ached to feel those full, round hips and stroke her ample breasts.

When she turned to look at him, his heart jolted in his chest as if he’d been struck by lightning. Her eyes were pale, crystal green, her lips a soft, sweet pink. He couldn’t wait to kiss those lips and find out how she tasted.

He kept it together as he crossed the room, greeting Gerri and then stepping past her to stand in front of the woman.

Lexi, her name is Lexi.

When Gerri had informed him of her plan, he’d expected this to be more like a business transaction. He needed a wife and an Earth girl who was keen to be married to an alien shifter. He hadn’t realized that this was actually going to be his fated mate.

There was no denying it. His lion was going absolutely berserk, howling, and scratching away inside his mind. This beautiful creature that could paralyze him with her gaze was his mate, the one he was fated to be with for all time.

The one and only.

Now that he was so close, the scent of her was muddling his brain. She was dressed simply in a fitted, soft shirt with a V-neck that showed off a decent amount of cleavage. Even though her legs were covered by loose pants, he could imagine the curves of her calves and thighs and how they would feel under his hands.

The lion growled again, even louder now. The sight and scent of her were affecting his animal. The cat knew he was the luckiest creature alive to have been fated to such a gorgeous mate.

Rao didn’t like the feeling. He didn’t feel like he deserved a fated mate at all, let alone one as beautiful as this. The harsh reality of his lonely existence crept up on him like the darkness that hooded his vision and stole his joy.

Good things only happened so they could end or be taken away. There was no joy or peace in this world … or any world.

Even though he’d been very young when he lost his parents, the wound was still as deep and fresh as if it had been made yesterday. They were gone, and it was all his fault.

I don’t deserve light like this in my life. How utterly cruel that I already know I’ve fallen for her. It’s going to hurt so much when I lose her.

Rao knew he’d be a tortured man for the rest of his days over the loss of his family. Taking his fated mate from him would swallow him in a pit of loneliness he’d never climb out of.

Still, he smiled at the woman, bending down to lightly kiss her hand as he bowed. “King Rao, at your service,” he said, looking into her eyes.

Lexi stared at him, her face impassive. Rao kept the polite look on his face, but he was starting to worry that she looked a little standoffish. They stared at each other for endless seconds, and Rao began to wonder if he’d have to stay there all day, bent in a mid-bow, holding her fingers lightly in his own.

“Oh. Thank you,” she said, the words tumbling out in an awkward flow. “I’m Lexi, of course. Nice to meet you.”

Rao straightened, feeling anxiety singing in his gut. He knew it couldn’t work out between them, that it was inevitable. He just couldn’t help but wonder what he’d done wrong to make her react like that. They’d only just met.

Surely it’s too early for the cold shoulder?

He gave Gerri a more formal greeting, but she tugged him close and kissed him on the cheek. He bowed to Bella and Alyx … even though they were at his castle, they were still the King and Queen of the entire planet.

“Come on through," he said, stepping back to the main doors. He gestured with one hand, and Bella and Alyx hurried to follow. He saw Gerri take Lexi’s hand and walk by her side as they headed into the castle.

Rao led them through a hall and into a big room dominated by a long wooden table. There was a huge feast laid out across it with roasted meat, vegetables, salad, and bread, as well as rice and pasta dishes. He’d made sure the chef cooked a variety of Earth favorites so his date would find something she liked.

Gerri sat Lexi at the corner of the table, right next to Rao, who sat at its head. He could see Gerri was still holding Lexi’s hand, and his fated mate was staring at the table with wide eyes. Her gaze traveled up and around the room, taking in the servants and opulent furnishings.

She really looks uncomfortable.

Rao felt a deepening sense of foreboding. Perhaps this thing was going to implode far sooner than he’d originally thought.

“How about some champagne?” Rao announced. There were wine, spirits, and soft drinks chilling in ice buckets, but no champagne. He looked around the table for approval. Gerri and Alyx enthusiastically agreed. Lexi barely even reacted.

While they waited, Rao tried to figure out Lexi’s favorite food by offering her everything on the table. He discovered she didn’t really like seafood; she loved roast chicken, and she preferred real butter on her bread over any oil blend.