Page 8 of Roar Deal

When the champagne was brought out, Rao opened it himself. He’d practiced doing it, and to his satisfaction, it popped without bursting everywhere. He turned the bottle so Lexi could see the name, but he didn’t dare try to pronounce it. Earth English was bad enough, but Earth French? It was the fastest way he could think of to make a dick of himself.

Lexi barely reacted to the champagne, but he saw her eyebrows lift appreciatively on the first sip. It was the only sign that she actually liked it. To his dismay, she only took a small sip before turning her attention to her plate.

“Do you like the food?” he asked, taking a sip of champagne. It wasn’t shifter strength alcohol, that was for sure, but it was good.

“Yeah,” she muttered, poking at it with a fork. “I just ate scones, though.”

“Don’t worry,” he said. “If you aren’t hungry now, the chef can make you anything you like, whenever. Just relax and enjoy yourself. You have a free pass to anything you like here on Nova Aurora.”

Including me…

“That’s nice,” Lexi said as if she wasn’t even listening. Rao felt like he was blundering through a dark room, and every time he moved, he broke something. He sighed, trying again.

“Do let me know if there’s anything you want that isn’t here,” he said softly.

Gerri took a small sip of champagne and a bite of buttery lobster. She didn’t look worried at all, and he hoped that was a good sign.

“So, Lexi,” Gerri said. “I know you’ve had some bad experiences in the past. Has that helped you clarify what you really want in a partner?”

“No, not really,” Lexi laughed softly. “I can tell you, I hate showoffs, though. Guys that throw money around, just trying to impress everyone.”

Rao felt like he’d been stabbed in the gut by an icy sword. Was she talking about him? Lexi didn’t even spare him a glance as she continued her little spiel.

“I’ve fallen for it before,” Lexi went on. “But never again. I just lose interest if they show off how rich they are without actually trying to get to know me or letting me see who they really are.” She shrugged, taking a small bite of food. “It’s usually a clear indicator that they have no personality, and they are overcompensating with riches.”

Rao was quiet for a moment. When he looked up, Gerri’s gaze was fixed on his face, and she gave him a little nod. “I hate people like that too,” Rao said softly. Even though he genuinely meant it, he felt kind of lame. As if agreeing with her was a ploy to make her like him.

Rao gritted his teeth against the rising swell of inadequacy that threatened to overwhelm him. “I much prefer people who can be themselves,” he said, trying to keep his voice even. “But I do appreciate it when someone puts on an excellent event for their guests. I am truly grateful to a host that shows me I’m valued and welcome at the table.”

Lexi glanced up at him, and even though her expression wasn’t hostile, it wasn’t gentle, either. He ate up that brief glimpse of her eyes, wondering what he could say to get her to look at him again.

“Even though I’m a king,” he said. “I never thought about what I really wanted in a mate. I have no expectations.”

It was impossible for him to have expectations since he’d never believed he deserved a mate in the first place. He hadn’t even let himself dream about it. Now that the perfect woman was sitting right in front of him, he knew she was everything he had never even known he needed.

He saw a trickle of sweat on Lexi’s brow as she fought to keep her eyes on her plate. His words had affected her, he could tell. He really meant what he said. He had no expectations. He was only hoping to get to know her.

At the same time, he knew how difficult it was going to be to get over her when the month finally ended and she left him. Perhaps it was for the best if she stayed in her shell.

“Well, you have a full month to enjoy each other’s company,” Gerri said. “And four dates to do whatever you wish. Nova Aurora has many sights to see and attractions to visit. I know you’ll have a great time, Lexi. That’s four chances for you to sweep her off her feet, Rao, and see if Lexi wants to live here.”

Rao saw Lexi’s hands grip the cutlery even tighter, but she didn’t look up. She was completely shut down emotionally … it was like she had nothing left to give.

It saddened him. He looked at Bella and Alyx, who had been talking quietly to each other and not intruding on the two new love birds getting acquainted. He wondered if they’d had barriers to their love and how it had been overcome.

To Rao, it looked like four opportunities to enjoy being with his mate before she left him forever, ripping out his heart in the process. His chest ached like it often did when he thought about his loneliness or his future.

She wouldn’t stay. He knew that. It didn’t mean he was going to give up, though. “I swear, I’ll show you the time of your life,” Rao declared.

Lexi laughed out loud, a sudden, deep-chested cackle. When she looked up, she actually put her hand over her mouth and shook her head. “I’m sorry, Rao, I really am. But you’ve got your work cut out for you.”

He’d already known that but hearing her say it turned a blade deep in his guts. “Why?” he asked. He’d never asked this question with such intense curiosity before.

Lexi shook her head. “I’m not going into a detailed account of every heartache I’ve ever suffered,” she said. “But I just don’t believe in this kind of thing. It’s not possible.”

Rao watched her wipe her mouth and hands before taking a sip of champagne. Her eyes fell on Bella and Alyx, where they sat across the table. He saw something come over her as she watched them.

Bella and Alyx had barely spoken to others throughout lunch, talking quietly to each other and only looking at the others briefly to see if they were needed in the conversation. It was almost as if they knew they were only there to support Gerri.