The mocking tone of his voice made her grin despite herself.

"You're in good hands with Josie and Bessie," Garion assured her. "You won't have to worry about anything."

While the billionaire was speaking, both women had taken hold of her arms on each side, and before she knew it, she was already being led down a hallway.

"Mr. Ross has an extra room at the end," Bessie told her. "We've got everything set up there."


Normal folks had extra pens for writing or extra shirts to change into. But an extra room?

"Here we are," Josie sang.

And the room, albeit small, was still luxurious beyond belief, with an iron chandelier beaming down on a leather seating area, and expansive windows that perfectly framed the gorgeous evening views of the billionaire's ranch.

"Sit down, sleep, think of England," Josie urged her. "Do whatever you want while we work some magic."

Daisy Rae was sure the suggestions were well-meant, but how could one sleep when this evening was indeed shaping up to be magical? Her life had always been ordinary and predictable, but here she was all of a sudden, being pampered and styled for a night out with Texas' most sought-after bachelor.

Garion had briefly checked in on his sleeping son before returning to his guests, and he entered the room just in time to see Daisy Rae mouthing to herself again.

Is this real?

He nearly smiled.This is just the start, baby.

Josie and Bessie were miracle workers, not only because they were exceptionally skilled at what they were doing but also because of the speed in which they waved their wand for an instant makeover. Under just half an hour, Daisy Rae's silvery tresses were silky and shiny, and all she could do was gasp when she turned to face the full-length mirror they had rolled up in front of her.

Since she didn't know a thing about makeup, she had no idea what they had used on her face. All she knew was that her eyes now seemed bigger, her lashes longer, and her lips fuller.

Almost kissable his.

Garion, who had been watching Daisy Rae all this time, ended up coughing when he read the movement of her lips.

Daisy Rae turned to him in concern. "Are you alright?"

"He's probably just blown away at how hot you are," Josie answered on the billionaire's behalf.

Bessie then drew Daisy towards the selection of outfits they had prepared. "Do you see anything you like Or would you like us to choose for you instead?"

"The latter," Daisy Rae said in relief. "I don't really know much about fashion."

Bessie turned to the billionaire, asking slyly, "And you, Mr. Ross? Do you have any preferences?"

"I'm partial to silver," he had no qualms saying.

The two women grinned. "Silver it is."

And that was how Daisy Rae ended up in a glittery silver dress that was easily the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her life.

"Now this." Josie knelt down to take out a pair of strappy sandals from a box, and Daisy Rae carefully slid her feet into them. It was a perfect fit, and the thought made her feel like Cinderella.

Josie asked her to slowly turn around, and Bessie started taking photos.

"For the business gram," the latter explained cheekily. "It's not every day our humble little shop gets called on to dress the first woman Garion Ross will be seen publicly with inyears."

"And speaking of publicly..." Garion stepped in front of Daisy Rae. "I can't let have my future wife—-"

The two stylists gasped while Daisy Rae's lips parted in shock.