"—-have an evening out with her throat bare."

Daisy Rae couldn't believe her eyes when an assistant came forward to present a jewelry box. Inside it was a diamond choker, and she immediately stepped back with a shake of her head. "I don't think—-"

Garion bent his head, and his whisper caressed her ear. "Exactly, baby. You don't have to think about anything. You just have to wear it." She heard a snap as soon as he finished speaking, and Daisy Rae realized his words were only meant to distract her from seeing what he was doing.

When Garion stepped back, Daisy Rae automatically glanced down, and the way all of those tiny expensive diamonds circling her throat were winking up at her had her knees feeling a little wobbly.

This almost makes me feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman.

"She was a hooker, though."

The words made her head jerk up. "H-How—-"

"You mumble your thoughts silently at times," Garion said lazily, "and I'm very good at reading lips."

He was good at reading lips?

Wait a minute.


Didn't she have this crazy thought earlier about how her lips right now almost looked as kissable—-

Oh God.

The billionaire's lips curved. "What are you calling God for?"


Garion laughed.

Daisy Rae looked around her and felt the slightest bit panicky when she realized it was only the two of them, and Josie and Bessie had somehow managed to leave the room without her knowing.

Fingers were suddenly clasping the sides of her waist from behind, and Daisy Rae's heart skipped a beat as the billionaire turned her around to face him.

"How about now, baby?"

The thickness of his tone made her feel lightheaded.

"Do you still think my lips are...what was that word you used again?Kissable?"

Her knees knocked against each other, and his grip on her waist automatically tightened.

Daisy Rae's gaze slowly drifted up to his mouth.

Oh. My.

His lips curved, and a helpless laugh escaped her when she realized he had been reading her lips again.

"Shall I take that as a yes?" Garion whispered.

Careful, Daisy Rae. Think twice. Think thrice. Be very, very careful.

But in the end, she still heard herself say, "I'm not sure."

"I see..." And the way his hazel eyes were now gleaming down at her told Daisy Rae that hedidsee what she was oh so foolishly hinting at.

"So as to avoid any ambiguity on that matter, would you care to put it to the test?"