He slammed me against the wall, slapped his hand over my mouth, whispered me to shush when he heard them coming down the rickety basement steps. He must’ve noticed the stairs outside of the house that led down into the house, and he thought that was an entrance outside. My father had bricked that entrance up when he found a homeless person in our basement.

He knew he was stuck, but he had an ace in the hole. He had me. When the doorknob started to turn, he pointed the gun at my head, then pulled a second one from the leg of his pants and turned us around so we were facing the door. The unlucky police officer that opened the door was shot in the face. I screamed, it was the most awful sight I had ever seen.

Other officers swarmed to the door with their guns out. “Come out now and we won’t shoot you,” a deep baritone said.

“I’m thinking you won’t shoot me, anyway. I have something better than a lead vest. I have a human shield.” He said confidently.

Walking me forward, we walked over the dead officer, toward the steps backwards so I was always in front of the cops.

“Now, call your buddies upstairs, tell them if anyone tries anything, I will blow her head off.” He ordered the cops. My legs were like Jell-o, I could barely stay on them. Sobbing, I begged him to let me go. As we got to the top step, I heard the sweetest sound I had ever heard. Rick was yelling at someone he wasn’t going to the hospital until I was safe.

The police gave him a wide berth but kept their guns on him. “You know how this ends. Give up now, let her go, save your life. Little Mike doesn’t care about you.” Detective Fleursy tried to reason with him.

“Fuck you, bitch.” He spit at her feet. She kept the same calm expression, never moving.

“Well, that can’t happen if you are dead. I’m not into necrophilia.”

He looked at her, shaking his head. “Oh, you’re a funny bitch.”

She shrugged. “I try.” Trying to keep him in conversation.

“It’s too bad I have to leave, or I would show you what you’re missing.” He smiled a crooked smile at her.

I kept inching further and further away. He realized it, snapped me back against him, backing me out the door into the back yard.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” He mumbled in my ear.

“What?” I was confused. What difference did that make?

“A boyfriend. Do you have one?”

“Um, yeah, I guess.”

“You guess? A hot little ticket like you and you don’t know?” He said as we were walking sideways now so he could watch the alley as well as the kitchen door.

“I mean yes. It’s a brand-new relationship.” I could feel my face flush.

“Well before you think about running off or doing anything stupid, think of the last time you saw his face. Hell, the last time you had his cock, if you want to. Because you will never see him again. Be smart, and you will get out of here in one piece. Understand?”

“Yes.” And I did understand. Now that I knew Rick was alive, all I cared about was getting back into his arms.

“OK, what the pigs don’t know is, we had a contingency plan with a back-up car and extra guns hidden in the alley. So, we run for that, both of us get in,” He was explaining, “Then, when I’m positive no one is following me, I will let you go. You can call a cab or something. “

I looked at him like he was crazy. I could describe him, I could tell them

the model and make of the car, I could tell them so many things, would he really let me go?

He seemed like he was so sure. I tried to erase Rick being shot from my mind, and then that poor police officer. I wondered if he had a family, kids, a wife? I started crying again. He growled and shoved me a little harder.

Crack, Crack.

I fell to the ground from his body weight. I didn’t know what was going on. All I knew was he was crushing me and I was scared to move.

There were voices everywhere. Finally, someone lifted the weight off of me. An officer and a paramedic got to me first. Checking me over, I looked up at the kitchen doorway to see my lover standing there. His leg was wrapped in a pretty bulky wrap.

He hobbled his way to me, reaching me as I threw myself into his arms. His poor face was beaten and swollen. “I love you so much,” I whispered in his ear.

“I love you too, baby girl.”