The detective came out, thinking the brother and sister were happy each other were alive. “Stacia, I need you to come to the precinct with me, then you can meet up with your brother at the hospital.”

“No!” We both said in unison.

“I will not be separated from him again. You can either question me at the hospital or wait until Rick gets out and we will both meet you at the precinct.”

Chapter 14

Detective Fleursy

I knew there was no use fighting a losing battle. It was nice seeing a close family, but it was going to cost the department a shit-ton of money for protection detail on these two. All I could do was smile and say I would meet them both at the hospital.

Stacia did tell us about the back-up plan the two men had. We were able to secure the other vehicle and weapons. They were, of course, wiped clean.

Why he was smart enough to use the girl as a human shield, but not smart enough to take the snipers into account, I would never find out now. He never once raised his eyes to check. Chuckling, I thought, Isn’t that bad guy 101?

Staying well into the evening for evidence, their parents returned home from the trip they were on. Thank fuck they didn’t arrive earlier. Nothing singes deeper in your mind then walking in on someone holding a gun to your kid’s head.

After explaining to them what happened, they hurried to the hospital.

* * *

Two Days Later

When the call came in, it wasn’t unexpected. It was going to be hard to deliver the news to this family who just reunited, though. Sometimes, being a detective sucked.

Pulling into the family’s driveway, I saw a few lights on, and all the cars were there.

When the door opened, it was Stacia. She smiled and invited me in. Walking into this warm setting broke my heart. I was about to tear this family apart.

“Stacia, could you get your brother and your parents, please? I need to talk to you all.”

In a couple of minutes, they all came in. Rick was slightly limping but seemed to be in good spirits.

“I have some news,” I began. “We just found out through one of our contacts that Little Mike has put a contract out on Rick and Stacia.”

“Well, can we pay it?” His mom asked.

“Not that kind of contract, ma’am. He wants them dead.” The woman's face paled.

“Well, arrest him, then.” She insisted, looking at the rest of her family.

“I’m so sorry. His reach is far and wide. What we need to do to keep them both safe is put them in the witness protection program.”

Rick and Stacia looked at each other with a look I couldn’t decipher.

“Fine,” his mother said, “we will sell the house. Where are we going?”

I sighed. This was the part I hated. “It will only be Rick and Stacia.” Everyone’s face had an expression of shock.

“Please.” Their mother begged, crying into her husband’s shoulder.

“There is no way you can bend the rules so we can be included?” He asked.

“I’m so sorry. The threat is only against them.”

He nodded. Speaking softly to his wife, she hugged each of her children, then told them she was helping them pack.
