Page 10 of Claiming Olivia II

That was all I needed. I flicked my cigarette into my makeshift ashtray of water and a disposable cup and I pushed him back against the balcony. Alejandro looked at me with a raised eyebrow when I pulled his hands away from my face.

I moved forward and pressed myself against him as I reached up and pulled his face down to me and kissed his full, beautiful lips with a fiery passion that took us both by surprise. I felt him reach forward to put his arms around me so I moved back.

“Don’t touch,” I instructed, with a seductive smile. “Not until I tell you that you can. I have something for you. Follow me.”

I saw his entire demeanor change. Something about the look in his eyes made me shiver slightly. I led us back into the bedroom and looked around for my duffel bag.

“Hm,” I said, glancing around the room.

I thought I left it by the bed.

Alejo walked over to the large armoire in the beautiful Victorian styled room he had booked for us and pulled the double doors open.

I let out my breath and sat down on the bed. Apparently he was way ahead of me. Inside the doors there were a number of chains, handcuffs, whips, crops, straps, beads, silver balls; everything and anything that you could use to sexually please or torture someone with was either hanging on the inside of the doors or neatly placed on the shelves. I had every intention of having sex with him, and I had every intention of jogging my memory tonight, but what I had in my duffel bag was the picture I had taken of him sleeping. I had framed it and I wanted to place it by the bed so that he knew that I was trying to remember what it was like to be with him for those few short days in Spain, but I didn’t expect this.

I wasn’t ready for it.

I looked up at Alejo who was leaning against the armoire looking at me with pure desire in his eyes.


It was more of a command rather than a request. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I knew what he wanted to do; I could almost feel it already.

I didn’t want to hurt him any further by telling him no, but I just wasn’t ready for it.

“I ... can’t,” I said. “Not yet.”

He came over and got on his knees in front me, gently placing his hands on my arms.

“Mi amore, I won’t hurt you this time. I swear it. I need this right now with you. Please. Permit me,” he all but begged.

I sat there as Alejo moved his hands from my arms to my face. I closed my eyes at his touch and I suddenly got a flash of being underneath him. The feeling of him moving gently inside of me, while kissing my neck and putting his large hand around it. Alejo was a gentle lover when he wanted to be and he felt absolutely amazing when he was inside me.

I opened my eyes and looked into his. Maybe I could do this. Maybe I was ready for him. He promised that he wouldn’t hurt me and I found myself trusting him for some reason.

“Can we go slowly?” I asked quietly.

“Yes,” he whispered.

“Then get rid of it please. I don’t think I can deal with that tonight. Wait, is that why you sent me to the front desk earlier?” I asked

He nodded and leaned over, closing the doors with a swift movement. I couldn’t help but smile at that. Alejo was such a tall, big man that he didn’t need to move away from me; all he needed to do was lean and stretch a little.

Alejo smiled too. I stood up and he sat down on the floor, looking up at me. I looked at the open window and wrapped my arms around myself when the cool, Italian breeze came in and brushed up against us.

I made my way to the window and out onto the balcony. I looked up at the moonlight for a moment and thought of how beautiful Italy was. I thought of how lucky I was to be here and when I felt Alejo’s hands slide around my waist, I couldn’t help but feel like I was with the person that I wanted the most.

I turned around to face him and looked up into his eyes. I loved his eyes; that much I knew for sure. But did I love him? Did I ever?

“Let’s go laydown,” I suggested.

He held my gaze for a moment before he nodded and led me to the king sized bed that was in our room. I climbed into it and stretched out on my side so that I could still look out the window. Alejo got into the bed and gently pressed himself against me, sliding his arm around my waist again. I closed my eyes and took a deep, shuddery breath. Being in a bed with him was intoxicating, even if we were just lying there doing nothing.

A few moments before this I was ready to just hold him down and have my way with him, but now we were just happily laying with each other.

I felt his lips graze my neck gently and I placed my hand on top of his. He nuzzled the side of my head gently and I could feel him rising in his pants. I turned my head slightly and he reached around and kissed me gently on the lips. My body started to shake in anticipation of what was going to happen. I turned myself to face him and slid my arms around his torso. Alejo’s eyes were closed and I reached up and kissed him softly on his neck. He sighed happily and ran his hands through my hair, while I moved my lips down to his chest.

“Mi bella amor,” he whispered.