Page 9 of Claiming Olivia II

“Do you like it?” he asked softly.

I nodded.

“Would Mitchell be able to give you something like this experience in Venice?” he asked.

My happiness faded.

One fucking question from him ruined this entire thing. Even though I knew English was his second language and that probably didn’t come out the way he wanted to, it kind of pissed me off that he was flashing his money and Mitch’s lack thereof.

“Excuse me, sir? Pull over. Find a landing or whatever and park the boat,” I said to the driver, pulling out of Alejandro’s arms.

“Olivia? What’s wrong?” Alejo asked in confusion.

I shimmied to the other end of the boat where the driver or whatever was rowing us to the nearest platform and glared at him.

“That was a dick thing to say. Maybe Mitch doesn’t have as much money as you do and maybe he never will, but that doesn’t give you the right to flaunt it. I expected a lot more of you, Alejandro. I can see I was expecting too much. Maybe you should just find another girl to force yourself on,” I snapped, pulling myself up out of the gondola at the dock.

“Olivia, I didn’t mean to offend!” he said desperately as he followed me onto the dock and down the street.

I rolled my eyes and picked up my pace. I knew I could probably get to the hotel and lock him out, if I didn’t stop to listen to his bullshit. I was furious and hurt; not because of what he said about Mitch, but it was more that he thought that I would choose him because he was rich or whatever the hell he was.

I turned the corner and went as fast as I could without actually breaking into a jog or a run.

“Olivia!” he shouted in a stern voice as he came up behind me.

With a sigh, I stopped and turned to face him. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked up at Alejandro. He was fighting his tears back with everything that he had within him and he looked so lost that I felt bad for yelling at him. I sighed and relented, dropping my arms to my sides.

“Can we just go back to the room please? I want to sit down and try to relax,” I said softly.

He nodded and led the way back to the Palazzo Sant'Angelo sul Canal Grande, which was a half mile away from where we got on the gondola.

I looked up at the night sky and smiled when I saw a small smattering of stars starting to peek through the fog.

Just like my memory.

Alejandro walked next to me in silence. He would follow my gaze from time

to time and then turn his attention back to the almost empty streets of Venice. When we reached the hotel, he opened the doors and stepped back to let me in first.

I smiled at him as we made our way to our room. After he unlocked the doors and we walked in, I looked around for my cigarettes and went out onto the balcony. I lit one and stepped out, glancing up at the night sky.

“Hey, do you want to come out here with me?” I asked over my shoulder.

Alejandro didn’t say anything, but he came out and stood next to me. He leaned on the balcony and looked down below us.

“Help me remember your story again? Please?” I asked him.

He took a deep breath and let it out in a deep sigh. I watched him stand to his full height and run his hands through his hair, while avoiding my eyes.

“When I was a child—,” he started.

“No. That’s not what I mean,” I said, waving a hand to cut him off.

Alejo looked at me with confused eyes. I knew that this was going to sound weird because I had just reamed him for it, but something was going to have to give and I knew it would have to be me. No matter how stubborn I could be.

“Just now, when I yelled at you ... I’m sorry. I honestly am. I wasn’t just thinking of what you said about Mitch. I was thinking of what you did to me too. I can’t remember your story and I was only thinking of myself because of what you did to me, but I don’t think that I would have let you do anything to me that I didn’t secretly want. I’m sorry to think and say that you forced me. I’m sorry about what I said. Most of all, I’m sorry that I’m what you want in your life,” I said quietly.

He took my face in his hands and looked at me for a moment before he spoke, “You’re scared; I understand that. I am too. Livie, I’ll never ask you to do something you don’t want to do and maybe I did force you to finish what we started, but ... I needed it. I needed you in that moment and I know I always will. I’ll never regret being with you or wanting you and I’ll never regret saying that I had the chance to fall in love with the most beautiful woman in the world; even if I don’t get to keep you. Even if you choose him, I’ll never stop loving or wanting you. I won’t be angry and I won’t hate you. I won’t be far away if you need someone to just listen, but what I will not do is give you up without a fight. I did that once already and I almost lost you permanently. Not this time Livie. Not ever again.”