Page 17 of Claiming Olivia II

Those two never got a long; Mitch and the person awaiting my reply. If I pulled my phone out now and he read who I was talking to, the entire thing would be off and my choice would be made for me.

But would it be so bad? To live the life of a world traveler with a young, gorgeous Spaniard who wanted nothing more than for me to love him?

I wasn’t sure yet and I didn’t want to jeopardize what could potentially turn back into the greatest and only love story I had ever been a part of.

Mitch in his own way was my Romeo and I was his Juliet. I loved him before and I felt like I loved him still.

The line started to move and Mitch let go of me. I moved in front of him and he put his hands on my hips, resting his chin on top of my head. One of the guys from the game store came out and started calling off raffle ticket numbers. I ha

d one of the winners and Mitch went to get our prize; a poster of the new game.

Fifteen minutes later we had the game in our hand and we were walking out of the mall when my phone vibrated again. A second text with no response meant that something bad was happening and I had to find out what so when we got to the car I told Mitch I was going to stand outside and have a cigarette. He nodded and got into the car to warm it back up.

I walked toward the back of the car and lit my cigarette. As I slid my lighter into my back pocket, I pulled the phone out and checked my messages.

Liv, I know you just got back to America, but I need you.

Please? Is there any way you can come? It’s only getting worse and I need my best friend.

I sent a message back. I asked for just a little more time and I would sell my soul if I had to, to be able to fly to where I needed to go. My friends were my life and no one should have to go through what was happening alone.

I turned around and glanced at Mitch who was patiently sitting in the car, before I turned my attention back to my phone.

She’s going to kill me for this, I thought finding Sofia’s phone number and hitting the call button.

“Hello?” she asked in a thick voice after five rings.

“I need you to go with me somewhere,” I said quietly.

“Olivia, it’s one in the fucking morning,” she grumbled.

“I know but ... It’s important. Call Cassidy and see if she can come too. We’re needed and unfortunately, the way it sounds, we should probably pack black clothes,” I replied softly.

Sof stayed quiet for a moment. I could tell that she immediately caught on to what I was saying.

“I’ll call Cass right now. Just try to finish up what you’re doing with Mitchell so we can get him and Alejandro together. I hate to do this, but by the end of the week, I want you all back in my living room with your mind made up,” she said before she hung up the phone.


Mitch and I had stayed up til two in the morning playing the new game. He had to go to work the next morning and I had to get on the phone with my best friend as soon as possible to find out what the hell was going on.

The incessant phone calls on my end were never answered though. I knew there would only be one reason for it, so I immediately called Sofia.

“We have to go now,” I said urgently. “Did you get ahold of Cassidy?”

“Yeah, she said she’s game but Olivia if we leave today this is going to be extremely expensive,” she warned.

Fuck. She was right. I sat there quietly for a moment racking my brain, before I sighed.

“I’ve got it taken care of. Just grab Cass and get over here asap.”

I flipped through my contacts again like a madwoman until I came to Alejandro’s name. With as much as I hated to do this, it was a dire situation and I needed his help.

“Hola,” he answered cheerfully.

“Hey. I need to ask you for a really shitty favor,” I said in a small voice.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.