Page 18 of Claiming Olivia II

“I need three round trip tickets to Greece.”

“Greece?” he asked curiously.

“Yes. If you can’t help me just let me know. I already feel like shit for asking you,” I replied miserably.

“Olivia, I told you that I would always do my best to make you happy and if this is what you need, then I will provide. Just tell me what airport you are leaving from and I will make my way there,” he replied kindly.

I started to cry. I couldn’t help it. Alejandro was such a good man that he didn’t even question why I was about to blow through a few thousand of his dollars.

“Thank you,” I managed to say between my sobs. I took a deep breath and managed to tell him what airport would be best and he said he was on his way.

I managed to quickly scribble a note for Mitch explaining where I had gone and why. I also promised him that I would come back as soon as possible and then this would be all over. My decision will have been made.

Ten minutes later Sofia pulled into the parking lot with Cassidy and I ran out to the car and jumped into the backseat. I knew that Sof still had some of my clothes which she confirmed as she backed out and hauled ass to the airport.

Five minutes after we got there Alejo pulled walked through into the main terminal. He smiled widely when he saw Cassidy and they hugged each other before he said his hellos to Sofia and then came over and took me into his arms.

“American Airlines is going that way today. I checked before Sofia picked me up,” Cassidy said leading the way to the ticket counter.

We waited in line for the longest twenty minutes of my life before we approached the counter and I told the lady where we needed to go. She punched the information into the computer before she looked up.

“That’ll be $2,942.37,” she said.

Alejo pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and handed her his black American Express card.

Before she swiped it she got our information and then had Alejo sign the receipt once everything was confirmed.

We walked away from the counter, tickets and carry-on bags on hand toward the security check point.

But before we went through, I dropped my bag and turned to face him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him down to me, giving him the most passionate kiss I ever gave anyone.

“Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me,” I whispered, pulling away just a breath from his lips.

“You’re welcome, Princesa,” he whispered back. “I await your return and hope that all goes well.”

I ran a hand gently down the side of his face and smiled before I picked up my bag and followed Sofia and Cassidy through the check point.


As soon as we landed we were greeted by her. Cassidy explained that after she checked the available flights for the day she also psycho dialed Marley to let her know we were coming.

I ran over to her and wrapped her in a tight hug to which she answered with miserable sobs. Please let him be okay, I silently prayed.

“How are you holding up?” I asked pulling away from her.

“Not good,” she replied in her soft voice, wiping the tears away from her eyes. Sofia and Cassidy each stepped forward to give her a hug before she led us out of the airport toward a waiting SUV.

“What’s going on?” I asked her carefully.

“He had a heart attack. I don’t know why it happened, Livie; he’s always been healthy,” she replied breaking into tears again.

I put my arm around her shoulder and she cried into my shoulder.

“He’s very tall too though,” Sofia said thoughtfully. “And from what we’ve seen in pictures he looks like he could be a muscle competitor. I hate to say this Mars, but it was bound to happen. The heart can only take so much before it decides to give up.”

I gave Sofia a dirty look. I knew she was only trying to help but she could’ve worded that differently.

“I know,” Marley replied. “I just thought I would have more time with him. I loved him so much.”