Page 4 of Claiming Olivia II

“I’ll never ask you to choose m

e, Olivia. Especially after what happened. But I will tell you that I would be the happiest man in the world, if you found something about me that you could love. Something about me that would make you want to be with me forever,” he said, reaching across the table and taking my hand.

I sighed deeply and leaned forward on the table, cupping my chin in my hand. I looked at Alejandro who had gone back to eating and drinking wine. I wanted him to look at me but he didn’t; it seemed like his mission was to avoid eye contact until I said something.

“So, where in Italy are we going?” I finally asked to break the uncomfortable (for me anyway) silence.

“It’s a surprise,” he replied with a smile. I was quickly becoming frustrated because he still didn’t look up.

“Alejandro?” I asked.


I dropped my hand and crossed my arms on the table. He still didn’t look up, instead “hm’d” me into his damn plate.



I’m going to throw his plate out the window if he doesn’t look up, I thought irritably. After waiting a few more seconds I pushed my chair back and got to my feet. I figured maybe wandering off to the bathroom, wherever the hell that was, might snap him out of his “don’t look at Olivia” game.

As I walked away from the table, I shook my head because he didn’t react. He kept eating and drinking like I hadn’t even left, although I could’ve sworn I heard him chuckle. It took me a few laps around the restaurant before I found the restrooms and I pushed the doors open with a frustrated grunt. I went over to the sink and looked at myself in the mirror.

“Why am I even here?” I asked myself quietly.

I turned on the faucets and leaned into the sink to splash water onto my face. I heard the door open and close and I rolled my eyes as I splashed more water onto my face. I couldn’t even get a moment alone to think about things.

I reached an arm over toward the hand towel dispenser and ripped a piece off to dry my face with.

I crumbled the damp paper towel in my hand tossed it into the hole between the two sinks. Shaking off my annoyance, I looked up into the mirror to make sure I was still presentable when I jumped. Alejandro was standing behind me smiling at my reflection.

“Shh...” he said putting a finger to his lips.

He turned me around to face him and lifted me up onto the cold, hard ceramic. His smile widened slightly as he reached down and pulled my pants and panties off.

“What if someone comes in?” I asked nervously.

“Then we’ll get thrown out,” he replied simply as he unzipped his pants and let them fall down to his ankles.

“But what if –”

“No more questions, Olivia,” he said quietly as he pulled me closer to the edge of the sink. “Hold on tight, Princesa.”

He pushed into me.

Even though I knew it was going to happen and should have expected it, it still shocked me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he pulled out and smirked.

“What the hell?” I asked in a semi euphoric frustration. “Why did you stop?”

“Maybe I want to ask questions now,” Alejo said with a playful grin.

“Fuck that,” I grunted. I pulled his face toward mine and kissed him roughly, using one hand to guide him back inside of me.

“Fuck that,” I grunted. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled his face toward mine to kiss him roughly, using my free hand to guide him back inside of me. I couldn’t help the low sigh of contentment that slipped from my lips into his mouth.

I closed my eyes and let all of the feelings of being with him again, take over me. I moaned quietly as Alejo moved in and out of me slowly and steadily, but with a heavenly force that I had missed during our time apart. It had been over a year since I last had sex, so even though he was hardly being rough, it still hurt more than it would at any other time he filled me to the max.

But the feeling of his smooth, thick, amazing cock moving in and out of me was something my body wanted badly, so I bit back the pain and wrapped my legs around him as I swiveled my own hips back and forth to meet his as he slammed into me.