Page 5 of Claiming Olivia II

“More,” I gasped, stars beginning to form behind my closed lids as my body climbed higher and higher, closer to climax than I’d been in forever.

Shortly after the tremors of my release began take over, he tipped over the edge into his own much needed orgasm, leaving me in the cold and without my own release.

He immediately removed his cock from my swollen and needy pussy once he regained his full functionality. I felt his hands on my legs as he pried my vice grip off of him and he picked me up off of the sink and stood me upright on wobbly legs and shaky feet.

Alejandro reached for some paper towels and dampened them with some water and cleaned me off of him. He pulled his underwear and pants back up, zipping himself up and checking himself out in the mirror before he winked at my reflection and walked out of the bathroom.

While I stood there, naked from the waist down, with desire starting to trickle down my thigh, and in complete and utter disbelief at the fact that he just stopped.

In a sudden fit of anger, I grabbed some towels, cleaned myself up, and got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom on shaky legs and went back to our table. I plunked down in the seat across from him as he drank his wine, avoiding my eyes with an amused smile on his face. Too bad that he didn’t glance up because he missed the flames that I sent his way with my eyes.

“What the hell was that?” I hissed at him, crossing my arms over my chest.

He set his wine glass down and looked at me, the smile getting a little bigger and grating on my nerves just a little harder.

“You seemed distant and upset for a moment. I just wanted to make sure I still had your attention,” he said.

“So, you sort of fuck me to get my attention? And leave me hanging?” I asked incredulously. Did some of Mitchell’s dick wad personality rub off on him while we were in the States?

“It worked though didn’t it? I have your full attention now. You’re still upset I see, but once we get to Italy, everything will be as it should be. I can deal with your sour expression for now,” he replied with a laugh.

I pushed my half full plate toward the edge of the table. I knew I was behaving like a brat, but so was he. Playing some dumb game to make sure he still had my attention? How was that even acceptable?

The waitress came over and grabbed my plate. She looked at Alejo and they said something to each other that I didn’t understand. I reached for my purse and fished around looking for my cigarettes. I wasn’t sure if I could smoke inside this restaurant, but it was so pretty that I wouldn’t want to even if I could.

“I’m gonna go outside,” I said to him, holding up my pack.

“Take your belongings with you. She’s bringing the check, so I’ll probably have that paid for before you come back in anyway,” he said cheerfully.

I nodded and pushed my chair in. I walked out of the restaurant, avoiding Alejandro’s eyes as I tried to find the lighter that I knew had to be hiding in there somewhere. I found it once I stepped out into the pretty night and walked down the slight hill of a street that the restaurant sat on until I reached the bottom and I sat down. I put my cigarette in my mouth and lit, inhaling deeply and feeling somewhat peaceful in that alone moment.

Maybe I should just ditch him and wander around Europe for the rest of my life, I thought to myself as I let a cloud of smoke out. Maybe it would do me some good to be alone for a while.

As I sat lost in my thoughts of a possible happily alone ever after, the sun finally set leaving me in the darkness and solitude of the moon with no stars. And as I looked up and wondered why the moon was so alone when it finally had a chance to shine, I knew that I’d never truly be happy spending my life by myself.

My ever after was supposed to be with Mitchell and it would’ve been if I hadn’t gone to Spain. I wouldn’t be sitting here in a somewhat poetic confusion and I’d push through everything that came at me with him. I would endure; not because I would have to, but because he saved me once and because I did love him. Even if he didn’t love me anymore, which was something I often wondered about. But that was also the reason I had come to Spain with Cassidy. I wanted to see if there was anything else out in the world for me and in the form of Alejandro, there was.

I chuckled thoughtfully to myself as I pulled out my cell phone and found the camera. With my cigarette hanging out of the side of my mouth it was hard not to get a smoke train in the picture so to speak, but when I finally was able to get a good shot, I figured the smoke wouldn’t mean much.

I looked at the picture and rolled my eyes when I saw that it was mostly a dark shot. I glanced over my shoulder and then back up at the sky and had an awesome idea. Throwing my cigarette onto the floor and stomping out, I turned, jogged back up the small hill, and stood in front of the restaurant. This way I’d be able to catch the city lights in the picture as well and it would look like what something never seen before.

I examined the picture I took and smiled. I used the share option on my phone to open my contacts and when I found who I was looking for, sent the picture with the caption:

How bad ass is this?

I waited a few moments, but no response came. I chalked it up to the time difference and put my phone back into my purse with a smile.


I glanced at the entrance of the restaurant and grinned at Alejandro. My mood was so much better in those few moments that I had to myself.

“Yeah, let’s go to Italy!” I replied enthusiastically.


Venice had to be the most beautiful, classic city I had ever been to in my life. I couldn’t even believe that I was there; it seemed like a dream that I had walked into and didn’t want to wake up from.

We had arrived the next morning via Alejo’s private plane. He