Page 10 of Claiming Olivia

“That’s fine. I plan on sleeping until I can get onto the Ibiza time schedule anyway,” she replied yawning.

I thanked him again for the ride and promised him I’d be ready to go at eight. When Cassidy and I got to the elevator doors she gave me a sidelong glance.

“This isn’t going to be another Mitch situation is it?” she asked.

“How do you mean?”

“Well, I mean you guys aren’t going to have sex already, right?”

“Wow,” I said looking at her. “I promised him dinner so that he would give me my card back. I mean, yeah, he’s cute and everything, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m still engaged.”

“When was the last time you had sex, Livie?” she asked seriously.

“Oh, let me think,” I replied as I leaned against the back of the elevator.

Hm. When was the last time I got Mitch to drop his pants?

“Exactly,” she said with a laugh as we exited on our floor and headed down the hallway. “All I’m saying is make him wear a condom. I don’t need you taking home a baby to a man you clearly haven’t been with in a while.”

“Yes Mom!” I replied

sticking my tongue out at her.

I didn’t make a habit out of sleeping with men without protection. Not that that’s saying much, considering that Mitchell was only the third relationship I had ever been in and only the third man I had ever slept with. We had tried for a baby for a couple of years and I never did get pregnant. Still, I completely understood what she was saying. I was most likely infertile, but this would be the one trip where fertility wouldn’t be an issue if I wasn’t careful.

If I slept with Alejo.

Which I wouldn’t.

Because I was engaged.

“I’m going to take a shower,” I said as I placed my bags down by my door.

We had booked conjoining rooms in the event that she brought someone back she would have privacy. I had no intention on bringing anyone back but ...

Stop it Liv. You can’t do that to Mitch.

“Okay,” she said yawning again. “I’m going to sleep.”

I laughed and slid my hotel room key into the slot and then walked in. I threw my bags on the floor by the door and rummaged inside of the largest one for clothes and underwear then wandered into the bathroom. I was sweaty and gross and for some reason this highly attractive man seemed to be interested. It was weird. Even when I was dressed up and tried to look my best for Mitch, he didn’t seem to be interested. I spent about half an hour under the hot stream scrubbing myself, before I finally got out and dried off. Once I was dressed, I went back to my bag and pulled out the blow dryer. Ten minutes later, my hair was dry and I was propped up against the headboard watching TV. I was so absorbed in what I was watching that I hadn’t noticed the sun was setting until the light started to glare against the TV.

I stood up and walked over to the windows and pushed the blinds aside so I could step on the terrace. It was absolutely beautiful. I had seen the sun set before, but I think it was more special to me now because I finally got to see the sun set in another country.

I sighed happily and leaned on the side of the balcony as I watched the sun set for a few more minutes when there was a knock on the door.

Who could that be?

I watched the sunset a bit longer before I walked through the room and opened the door.

“It’s eight,” Alejo said smiling down at me.

God he looked good. He was dressed in a black button down dress shirt and a pair of nice black slacks. There was a beautiful and obviously costly silver watch on his left wrist. I looked him up and down and saw that his shoes looked really expensive too and recently shined. He looked like a high fashion model.

“Um, I don’t have anything fancy really to wear,” I said suddenly feeling self-conscious.

“Anything will do, Livie,” he replied. “May I come in?”

I stepped back and let him walk in. He glanced around momentarily before he sat on the chair overlooking the balcony. He looked out the window while I fished through my bags for something that I might be able to pull off as fancy.