Page 11 of Claiming Olivia

After several moments of frustration and tossing things onto the bed, I finally decided on a white gypsy skirt and an oversized, dark green sleeveless shirt. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and shrugged. My tattoos would be showing so I hoped wherever we went wouldn’t be judgmental about that and I walked into the bathroom to straighten my hair. Once I was done with that, I walked back into the bedroom and grabbed a pair of white wedged sandals out of my bag and slid them on.

“Okay, I’m ready,” I said to him.

Alejo looked over at me and his smile turned into a wide grin. Clearly, I had impressed him.

“Hermosa,” he replied with an enthusiastic nod.

“Thanks,” I said with a blush. I went back to my bag and pulled out a small white cloth purse and proceeded to fill it with the necessary contents from my larger purse that I had been using when I left Chicago.

When I stood up I almost bumped into him. I hadn’t realized he was standing next to me and it surprised me. With a smile, he extended his right hand to mine and I put my left hand in his. His finger thoughtfully rubbed my engagement ring as he held the door open for me.

Shit. I forgot to take that off.

I avoided his eyes the entire time we were in the car and even when we walked into the lovely Sa Punta Restaurant, I was silent and didn’t look up.

“Is something the matter, Liv?” he asked in concern.

“No,” I replied starting at my menu. “Except I can’t really understand what this says.”

“May I help then?”


He came over and pulled his chair around to sit next to me. Patiently, he went down the list of every last thing on the menu explaining what everything was to me when I would look at him confused.

I settled on baked codfish and garlic mashed potatoes. I knew I was probably screaming American, but that was always my safe bet in an unsafe food world. I knew I would eat and enjoy it.

When I told him what I would have, he pulled his chair back around to where it was and waved a waiter over. He gave them our order and I sat there and looked around.

Wow, this is a really fancy place, I thought suddenly becoming very aware of the art on my body.

“Don’t be shy; I like them,” he said sipping his wine.

I glanced across the table at him and smiled as I dropped my hands back onto my lap. I didn’t even realize I was trying to cover them up.

“So, Olivia, tell me something,” he said setting down his glass and leaning back.


“How long have you been engaged?”

I felt the blood rush to my face. I couldn’t understand why this was so embarrassing to me. Yes, Alejo was gorgeous and yes, he would probably be amazing in bed, but I still wasn’t sure I could do this to Mitch.

So then why does he make you so nervous?

“Oh, about a year now,” I replied.

“Is he good to you?” Alejo inquired.


“Does he make you happy?”


“But not always?” he asked sipping his wine again.

“No, but I mean who’s always happy in a relationship anyway?” I replied.