Page 12 of Claiming Olivia

“Are you usually happier though?” he prompted.

“Oh look! Here comes our food,” I said silently saying a Hail Mary for the chance to change the subject.

He looked up and thanked the waiter as he set our meals down in front of us and then looked back at me.


“Why do you care?” I asked in annoyance.

“Well, because you wear his ring but I’ve seen how you look at me, Liv. You don’t think I’ve noticed do you? If he truly made you happy your eyes wouldn’t wander to another man in lust. We wouldn’t be having this dinner tonight. You wouldn’t blush so often and your hand wouldn’t have started shaking when I held it. That’s why I rubbed it; to soothe you,” he said matter-of-factly.

“So is this an intervention? Are you going to tell me the value of being in a relationship? And faithfulness?” I felt myself becoming agitated and I was trying very hard not to raise my voice.

“No. What I will tell you is that I’m very attracted to you and am looking forward to whatever the rest of the night brings us,” he said as he finally unfolded his napkin and placed it on his lap.

I stared at him as he began to eat. Apparently he thought I was going to have sex with him, but I still wasn’t sure if I could do it. I mean just because he had taken me to a fancy restaurant, was a perfect gentleman, and looked absolutely amazing tonight, didn’t mean I was going sleep with him.

Did it?

I let my eyes wander down to my plate and felt almost sick. I didn’t want to eat now because I was having a moral/immoral war going on inside of my head but I wasn’t going to let him pay for something I wasn’t going to eat, so I forced myself.

When we were done eating I listened to him making polite conversation and forcing myself to look and remain interested, I sti

ll hadn’t decided what I was going to do. My plan was that if I couldn’t do it, I’d thank him for the evening in the car and run for my room. I’d lock it and push the small refrigerator that was in the room against the door and climb across the balconies to Cassidy’s room and sleep in there with her.

“Are you ready to go, Liv?” he asked suddenly.

I swallowed hard and nodded.

He smiled, “You spaced out on me there for a moment. I’ve already paid the bill, we can leave whenever you wish.”

I stood up and grabbed my purse. Alejo followed me as I walked toward the front of the restaurant, my mind racing. As we stepped out into the crisp cool air I wished I had a cigarette. Unfortunately, I had left them in my other purse.

When we reached his car, he reached for my door to open it and I waited patiently. Suddenly he grabbed me by the arms and shoved me against the side of the car and placed his hands on the roof and looked down at me.

“I didn’t mean to frighten you,” he said taking note of the look on my face. “I just really want to kiss you right now. May I?”

I nodded without thinking twice and he leaned down and pressed his lips gently against mine. With as much as I loved Mitch, this was honestly the most perfect kiss in the world. I reached up and put an arm around his neck and our kiss intensified. I would honestly say that Alejo was the best kisser I ever had. He was quite skillful, as we explored each others mouths with our tongues. It was so perfect.

I finally put my hands on his chest and pushed him gently away as my heart raced. The adrenaline was rushing through my body and my mind was desperately telling me to let him come back to the room with me. My heart was telling me to think of Mitch.

The same Mitch that denies and rejects you? The same Mitch who cheated on you right after you got engaged?

My mind had officially won that common sense war. Now it was just up to me about being comfortable enough to invite him to come back with me.

Alejo was looking into my eyes and I felt his finger tracing the side of my face. I closed my eyes and turned into his hand. It had been so long since someone had touched me like that, let alone touched me at all. He leaned down again and kissed me again, before letting his lips wander to my neck. I grabbed him by the sides of his shirt and pulled him tightly against me as he teased my neck.

“What are we doing after this?” I asked with bated breath.

He pulled back and looked down at me. He pressed his body against mine and I could feel his erection firmly pressing against me through his pants.

“Whatever you’d like Livie,” he said softly.

“Take me back?” I asked.

Nodding, he held the door open for me and obediently began to drive us back to the hotel. I was looking out the window the entire time still trying to convince myself not to do this. But the way his lips, his touch made me feel; it was something I desperately needed.

Alejo pulled into a parking spot near the door and turned the car off. He glanced over at me waiting for me to make a decision. I guess it had been obvious that I had been fighting with myself this entire time about it.