Page 13 of Claiming Olivia

“Did you enjoy dinner?” he asked.

“Yes, thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he said with a smile.


Make up your damn mind Liv.

I took a deep breath.

“So, listen I had a lot of fun tonight. That restaurant was beautiful and that had to be the best fish I’ve ever had. And um ... “ What do I do? “And I was wondering if you’d like to come back to my room for a while?”

“I’d love to,” he replied.

My body trembled as we walked across the parking lot into the hotel. When we got into the elevator he leaned against the back and drummed his fingers along the bar. I kept my back to him. I still felt a bit of mental anguish over what I had just agreed to, even though if I really didn’t want to, I know I wouldn’t have to.

The sound of the ding as the elevator reached our floor snapped me back to the reality of the situation in front of me. I stepped out and walked down the hall with Alejo by my side. When we reached the door, I searched for the hotel key inside my purse, and then slid it into the slot and pushed the door open. I set my purse down and walked over to close the windows, since the room was a bit chilly and noticed an envelope sitting on the table in Cassidy’s handwriting. I opened it and laughed. She had placed condoms in there for me and I opened her note to read it.

I got you some presents. Make sure you use them if you get the chance tonight, I will be checking inventory tomorrow.

Alejo came over and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, placing his chin on the top of my head. I held up the note to him so he could read it. As he chuckled I held open the contents of the envelope, which made him laugh harder.

“It’s a good thing you have such a responsible friend, eh?” he said teasingly.

“She just wants to make sure I’m safe; like a good sister,” I replied as I placed the note and gifts down. “I’m going to step out and have a cigarette,” I said to him.

He nodded and sat at the table as I grabbed my pack and lighter and went out onto the balcony. I glanced back at him and watched him roll up his sleeves and cross his right leg over his left thigh. He smiled when he saw me looking at him and I motioned for him to come out onto the balcony with me. Alejo stood up and came out and stood next to me.

“Beautiful night,” he commented as I inhaled deeply and looked up at him. I had one arm crossed over my waist and I was suddenly becoming curious about something.

“Can I ask you a question?”


“Are you involved with anyone? I mean you can be honest with me, you’ve already seen my ring,” I said laughing.

“Truthfully? No. I haven’t been for quite some time now so I’ve decided to start traveling and just seeing as much of the world as I can,” he replied.

“That must get pretty expensive,” I commented.

“Yes, but my family has been quite privileged. The house I live in now belonged to my great grandfather. I am the first born son on my mother’s side and he loved my mother very much. When he died he left in his will that her first born son would inherit all of his estates, belongings, businesses; anything he had put together in his life really.”

“That’s cool. My grandfathers were both farmers and I never met my great grandfathers but I did meet my great grandmother on my mom’s side once,” I replied with a smile.

“Farmer is an admirable thing to be. That is a very hard job and it builds great character,” he said thoughtfully.

“I agree. They both worked very hard and always will be great men to me.”

He smiled as I inhaled again and looked up at the moon.

“Pretty,” I said more to myself than him.

The moonlight was intoxicating for some reason. It seemed to be working as an aphrodisiac as he slid his hands around my waist and pulled me close to him. I dropped my lit cigarette into the cup of water I had been using as an ashtray and looked up into his eyes.

“Olivia...” he began.
