Page 2 of Claiming Olivia

I had only told him about it last night, which I honestly believe sparked the rejection. I think he was hurt because I wasn’t taking him with me, but I was barely able to afford myself and I wanted to have a good time. I didn’t want arguments and I didn’t want fights. I wanted to go to Spain, look around, and come home. Maybe the trip would make me a better person, maybe it would make me a bitter person, but the only way to find out was by going.

That was something he was going to have to live with.

I stood up and quietly began to bring my bags from the bedroom into the living room. Not that my plane was leaving any time soon, and not that I had to rush to the airport, but so I could look at them and be happy in the knowledge that I would be spending ten glorious days on the island of Ibiza.

I had been so excited about booking my trip that I had forgotten to look up things to do. I wasn’t going with a tour group, I was going by myself, but I also figured that I would see the sites as they came. I liked the idea of natural tourism as opposed to having it planned out.

The only thing I really worried about was my Spanish; it wasn’t the greatest in the world, but it got me by whenever I needed it to. Then again, even if I was fluent, the Spanish spoken in Spain was worlds different than the Spanish I spoke so it wouldn’t really matter one way or another.

I sighed again as I heard Mitch get out of bed and head into the bathroom. These were going to be the most tedious six hours of my life.

A few moments later he stepped into the living room and gave me a kiss. I knew he was just trying to be nice so that I would “behave” on my trip, but I honestly didn’t believe he had anything to worry about. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed an energy drink then sat next to me on the couch and turned the TV on.

It was a typical Sunday morning. He started to play his video games and I sat there watching him. Life had become so redundant lately that I was surprised that I hadn’t screamed yet. Instead I would just sit next to him and watch him play, with the occasional handing off of the controller to me.

To be honest, for some reason it made the day go by faster than normal.

Because of our argument the night before, I had decided to take a cab to the airport. I placed the phone call while he sat quietly next to me, playing his game, and then stood up.

“I’m going to go outside and wait, they said they should be here in ten minutes,” I said looking down at him.

“Alright,” he replied as he set down his controller and grabbed my bags.

“I’ll be right out I have to use the bathroom.”

I walked to the end of the driveway and where he stood in silence. I lit a cigarette because it would be at least a two hour drive. Not to mention because I was also getting that nervous excited feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“Get in the car, I canceled your cab,” Mitch said as he grabbed my bags and put them in the backseat.

“I thought you said you weren’t going to take me,” I replied carefully.

“Sorry, I was pissed off and drunk. I’d like to take you if that’s okay,” he said as he slid into the driver’s seat.

It’s not like you left me much of a choice is it?

I sighed and got into the car.

I plugged in my cell phone into the car charger and turned on my navigation system so he would be able to find his way to the airport. We rode in silence most of the way. Only when a song I liked came on with a good dance beat would he look over at me with a smile and start doing a silly dance to make me laugh.

I could always count on him to make a fool out of himself to make me laugh. But I hadn’t been able to count on much else for a while now.

My phone’s text tone went off and I reached over to check to see who had sent me a message. I had expected it to be Sofia, my sister, but it was my best friend Cassidy.


I smiled. Cassidy was one of the most world traveling people I knew. She had known me since I was 18 years old and we had almost immediately bonded as sisters. I could also state with confidence, that Cassidy is one of the best photographers ever. I knew that no matter what we got into in Ibiza it would be a great, fun, and memorable trip.

“Who’s that?” Mitch asked curiously as I placed the phone back down.

“Sofia,” I lied.

Mitch thought I was going to Ibiza alone. I didn’t want him to know that Cassidy was going with me because none of my friends really cared for him, and she had been there from the start of this entire messy relationship. Well, I should probably word that better. Cassidy had seen this start of this messy relationship. From the first day I met Mitch to the first time I left him to the second time I came back.

About a half an hour later, we pulled into the terminal parking garage. He opened the back door and grabbed my bags while I fished for my passport in my purse. Once I found it, I held it up grinning, which made him laugh and we walked in. I looked at a few of the signs before I found my gate and we started to walk in that direction. I sat down and he sat next to me placing my bags in front of me. Mitch leaned back and started to watch the TV that was hanging from the ceiling and I found myself leaning against him with my head on his shoulder. One of the few comforts I had with him that he wouldn’t fight was whenever I wanted to lean against him. I felt his cheek as he leaned his head back against me and I felt tears sting my eyes. I wasn’t sure why. I didn’t care to know why. I didn’t want to regret my trip before it started so I reached up quickly and brushed them away.

One of the attendants made the announcement that we would start boarding in the next ten minutes. Mitch stood up and looked down at me.

“Guess I better get going then,” he said.