Page 3 of Claiming Olivia

“Okay,” I said in a quavering voice.

Do NOT cry Livie.

“Here,” I said reaching into my wallet and handing him some money. “That should take care of parking, gas, and whatever else you need for the next few days.”

“Nah, I’ll be alright,” he said shaking his head.

“And you’ll get home on no gas? Just take the money, Mitch. Please?” I asked as I held out the money again.

He looked angry for a second before he took the money and slid it into his wallet.


“You’re welcome,” I said as I reached down for my bags.

“So, have a good time, alri

ght?” he said.

I nodded and stood there for a moment.

He leaned down and pulled me toward him by my waist and stared into my eyes for a moment. I could feel myself getting lost in those beautiful blue eyes for the first time in a long time.

“Be good,” he whispered.

“I will.”

Leaning down he kissed me gently, then a bit harder as he tightened his grip.

“Love you, Livie. Have fun,” he said as he let me go.

“Love you too. I’ll try,” I replied with a smile.

I went over and stood in the line of people that were starting to accumulate and looked over at Mitch who was standing there with his hands in his pocket watching me with an amused smile. I grinned widely and waved as I walked up to the attendant and she checked my passport and I.D. I turned around and before I lost sight of him I mouthed I love you to him which he mouthed back. I walked through the corridor and found my plane on the seat.

I sighed happily as I looked out the window. I was actually going to Spain. For the first time in my life, I was going to do something that would be good for me and I didn’t need anyone’s help to do it. I was proud of myself.

First stop Ibiza, then the world! I thought as I settled into the airplane seat happily. Since I had an almost 15 hour trip in front of me, I fished around in my purse and grabbed my Dramamine. I ran quickly to the bathroom so that I could drink from the sink and wash it down. I didn’t fly anymore without taking that first. Not only would it make me sleep for most of, if not the entire flight, it would keep me from feeling sick afterwards too.

I settled back into my seat and the lights came on to tell us to fasten our seatbelts. I started to shake with excitement. It was really happening. A few moments later the plane began to back up slowly as it turned and headed for the tarmac. The captain said we were third in line and that we would be departing shortly.

I double checked my phone to make sure I had shut it off then looked out the window again. I watched as the two planes in front of us took off and headed toward their destinations. Then our plane’s engines fired up and we began to pick up speed.

I always likened a plane’s take off to a rollercoaster. At first you go slow to build up the tension and anticipation, but the moment those wheels leave the tarmac, it’s like going over the first drop. Exciting, scary, and fun once you recover from the initial shock.

I closed my eyes once we were steadily in the air and were allowed to take off our seatbelts. The Dramamine was starting to kick in and I wanted to be well rested for whatever adventures lay in front of me.

When I woke up it was because the young man sitting next to me was gently shaking me. I opened my eyes and looked over at him and he smiled.

“We’re in Madrid,” he said with a slight accent.

I nodded and stretched which made me laugh quietly as he stood up and grabbed his backpack from the overhead and start to head down the line of people that were pouring out into the terminal. I had a bitter taste in my mouth and I’m sure my hair was standing up like it did when I napped so I smoothed it out before I reached up to grab my belongings and then get in line as well. I stifled a yawn and sighed.

As I stepped off the plane I was greeted by attendants who checked my passport information then gave me a stamp. I looked down and smiled sleepily as I received my first official “You’ve Finally Traveled Outside of America” stamp.

“Livie!” I looked around the terminal and saw Cassidy waving at me with a big smile. I ran over and gave her a big hug.

“Can you believe it? We’re in Spain!” I said to her happily.