Page 28 of Claiming Olivia

When we woke up the next morning, I dressed quickly and kissed him softly on his lips before I started to walk away. He grabbed my hand and looked at me for a moment, before he let go.

I walked out without so much as a backwards glance. I was proud of myself because I felt myself slightly hurting as I left him lying in the bed. I felt like I had abandoned him after he had opened himself up to me about the horrors he had been through as a child.

I decided to walk to the hotel from where I was. True, I probably should have showered before I left because I probably had stained legs but I just kept my eyes forward and walked barefoot all the way back. Every turn I took and every street I crossed, I could feel the eyes of people on me. I probably looked like an assault victim wandering aimlessly as I tried to remember the way back, but I was determined and I knew I would find it.

When I saw the hotel a few blocks away, I broke into a run. I was really dying to take a shower and to not be stared at anymore. I slowed down as I approached the lobby doors and used my hands to smooth out my hair before I walked in.

I took a deep breath, and with my head held high, walked in to everyone staring at me including the concierge. He looked like he was tempted to approach me about my appearance but I’m sure the words “Señor Castillo” would make him think it over.

I stood in front of the elevator, pushing the button over and over impatiently. A few seconds later, the door open and Cassidy stepped out. When she saw me, she looked completely shocked.

“Oh my God, Olivia! What happened to you? Are you okay? Did you get hurt?”

“I’m fine. Trust me,” I replied with a smile. “I just want to go take a shower. Meet me in my room in about twenty minutes if you’re not going anywhere, okay? I think it would be a good idea to head to Barcelona early,” I said as the doors closed in front of me.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the wall. I wondered what Alejandro was doing right now, if anything. Was he thinking of me? Or was he trying to put me out of his mind like I was trying to desperately do with him?

I walked down the hallway quickly and dragged my small duffel bag into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and made it a bit hotter than I normally would, so that I knew it would be able to get the blood off of me easier.

Pushing the curtains aside, I washed away the blood, the stains of lust, and attempted to wash away all feelings and thoughts of Alejandro at the same time.

I spent thirty steaming minutes in the shower scrubbing myself clean. I turned off the water when I was satisfied that I had washed the night away off of me and stood there for a moment, letting the water drip slowly off me.

I heard a knock on the door and knew it was Cassidy. I has relieved that she was ten minutes late because it gave me extra time to clean myself thoroughly enough. I wrapped a towel around myself and walked out of the bathroom to let her in.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked as she stepped in and still looking worried.

“I’m fine,” I replied with a laugh. “I’m gonna dry off and get dressed. Have you thought about going to Barcelona early, by the way?” I asked leaving the door open a crack.

“Sure, we can go early if you want. I mean I couldn’t think of what else we wanted to see in Ibiza anyway. Is Alejandro coming?” she asked.

“No. No more Alejandro for the rest of the trip,” I replied brushing my hair.

“You didn’t kill him did you? Is that why you want to leave?” she asked in concern.

I started to laugh. My closest friends knew that I had a notoriously bad temper but they also knew that I would never ever kill anyone.

“You’re too much!” I said as I began to put my clothes from the night before into my bag and get dressed.

“Just checking,” she replied with a laugh. “So why no more?”

“Because we made a deal,” I explained as I walked out of the bathroom fully dressed, and tossing the bag by the door. “We won’t see

each other for the rest of the trip, until you and I are ready to blow Madrid and head back to the States.”

“Oh okay,” she said. I knew that she wouldn’t ask any more questions because that was Cassidy’s way of ending a conversation.

“Anyway, there’s a non-stop flight that leaves at three thirty. We can make it if we leave in a couple of hours,” I said as we walked out of the room and headed down to the lobby to check out.

“Hola,” I said to the concierge. He seemed relieved that I looked like a normal human again and smiled at me.

“¿Si, Señora?” he asked.

“We’re checking out,” I replied sliding him the keys from mine and Cassidy’s respective rooms.

He looked in the system, “You are scheduled until Friday.”

I smiled at his accent. So he could speak English after all.