Page 29 of Claiming Olivia

“I know but we’re checking out today.”

He punched a few keys into the computer and looked up at me, “Is Señor Castillo with you? He will need to sign these papers.”

I sighed. So much for not seeing him until I left again.

“No, can you call him so he can come sign for us then? His number should be on the reservations right?”

The concierge looked over the paperwork, “Si.”

“What’s your name, by the way?” I asked raising an eyebrow.


“Thanks for being so nice to us Pablo,” I said with a smile.

He picked up the phone and called Alejandro while myself and Cassidy went to sit in the opulent couches that were positioned neatly in the lobby.

Ten minutes later, Alejo walked into the hotel looking absolutely divine. He was dressed in a crisp white button shirt and khaki pants. He was wearing black flip flops and I could smell him as he walked right passed us. He smiled at the concierge and shook his hand as the man handed him the papers. I watched Alejo sign his name and say something to Pablo.

My face turned red, and I shrunk a little in my seat as Pablo nodded and pointed to where Cassidy and I were sitting. Alejo glanced over at us and thanked Pablo.

I looked up when he stopped in front of us.

“I believe this is yours,” he said opening his hand.

Oh my God.

“Thank you,” I said softly as I took my engagement ring out of his hand and slid it onto my finger.

He nodded and smiled at Cassidy before he walked out without looking back.

“I like him,” she remarked as we stood up and went outside to hail a cab.

“He’s okay,” I replied.

“Right,” she said raising an eyebrow at me.

We were finally able to stop a cab driver and put our stuff into the car as we began our drive to the airport. We chatted mindlessly about nothing really and I was careful to avoid any conversation that would include Alejo.

When we arrived at the airport, the cab driver helped us pull our bags out and after we paid him, we walked around to find out which flights were heading to Barcelona and went to the counter to buy our tickets.

The girl took our passports and put our information into the system. I had my credit card on the desk waiting for her, but without swiping it she handed us two plane tickets to Barcelona.

“Isn’t there a charge for changing flight times?” I asked curiously.

“Yes. But everything has been taken care of,” she responded with a smile.

“How?” Cassidy asked.

“Your arrangements have been paid for by a Señor Castillo,” she said as she looked at the screen again.

I rolled my eyes and took my ticket. I put my credit card away and looked over at Cassidy who was laughing.

“Well, think about it this way. At least he can’t pay for anything once we get to Barcelona,” she said patting me on the back.

“Let’s get the hell out of here,” I grumbled.

As usual, we took all of our bags with us to the gate and they placed them under the plane for us free of charge. After we found our seats, I looked up and watched everyone who filed onto the plane half expecting to see Alejo walk down the aisle and take a seat behind me again.