Page 30 of Claiming Olivia

But he never did board the plane. In a way I was happy but sad at the same time because it dawned on me that we never did say where we would meet on the last day.

Too late to worry about that now, Liv.

Almost an hour later we landed in Barcelona. I looked around and smiled as we rushed through the airport to grab our belongings and head out into the street.

“This is going to be so much fun,” I exclaimed.

“I know!” Cassidy agreed happily.

We arrived at the Hilton Barcelona. Since Alejo had saved us almost a thousand dollars by paying for our stay in Ibiza, we decided to splurge a little. As I checked us in, Cassidy wandered around the lobby to look at the local things to do and she came back excitedly with a flier.

“Look! It’s the Running of the Bulls tomorrow!”

I took the flier and asked the person behind the desk exactly where this would be and wrote down the directions from the hotel.

“This should be fun, but I’m not going to be anywhere near that crowd while they go by,” I said to Cassidy as we took the elevator to the ninth floor.

“Me either,” she replied with a laugh.

Cassidy said she was going to explore Barcelona a bit and agree that I should get some rest. Technically I hadn’t slept in a few days because somehow I always managed to have Alejandro in bed with me.

I walked into my room and dropped my bags by the side of the bed and flopped face down into the pillows. I didn’t bother with the sheets; I just closed my eyes and fell asleep faster than I thought I would be able too.

The only reason I woke up a few hours later was because of the knocking at the door. I opened my eyes and looked at the dark night sky and smiled. For some reason, being in Spain didn’t make me grumpy when I was woken up unexpectedly which was saying something.

I lay there for a moment, until the knock came again and I stretched before heading to open it. Cassidy was standing on the other side with a smile.

“This town is great,” she said.

“That’s good; it couldn’t wait until morning though?” I asked with a laugh.

“Sorry, I’m just so excited because I know it’s going to be a great time,” she said laughing.

I looked at her for a moment. It was obvious to me that she had a few drinks on her excursion so I helped her get to her room and set her alarm clock for two in the morning.

We had to leave really early in the morning to be able to make it to the train station and catch the entire ceremony.

I helped her climb into bed and pulled her sheets over her.

“I’m going to go back to sleep. We have to leave super early in the morning,” I said to her.

“Oh okay. Well I’m going to go to sleep then too. I’ll see you in the morning okay?”

“Sure, good night.”

I walked back to my room and yawned as I closed the door. I thought of Alejandro for some reason.

I was a very stubborn person and because we had made a pact of sorts, I was going to make sure we would abide by it. Though I couldn’t help but wonder if I would see him tomorrow.

I would have to act like he didn’t exist.

Even if it hurt him or made him angry.

Even if it would bother me to walk away and know that he wouldn’t be coming to my bed.

I sighed and walked back into bed and slipped back into a restless sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I went straight to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I looked in the mirror at myself and smiled because for the first time in a few days, I didn’t look tired.