Page 117 of Duke Most Wicked

“Yes, let’s.”

“The coach I asked to follow us will be here soon. We will travel back in style. It will be better for your ankle, Belinda. I’ll have a groom drive my curricle back to London.”

“Oh, West,” Belinda sobbed. “I’m truly so very sorry.”

He patted her shoulder awkwardly. “I know you are, sweetheart. I know you are.”

Viola gave him an encouraging smile. “I’ll go and order some tea while we wait.”

She needed a moment to collect herself. She was so relieved that Belinda was safe from ruin. And that meant the other sisters had escaped damage to their reputations, as well.

Which didn’t change her response to West’s hasty and unromantic proposal. She could never marry a man who didn’t love her.

She stood by her words. She’d go back to the dower house and fetch her father. They would deliver the symphony on time and move into their new cottage.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Sebastian met them at the door upon their return. “Your Grace, your great-aunt Hermione has arrived and she is with Lady Blanche, Miss Betsy, and Miss Birgitta in the Blue Parlor.”

“I thought she wasn’t due back for months yet.”

“She’s here and in fine fettle.”

“Sebastian, send for the doctor. Miss Belinda has sprained her ankle.”

“Right away, Your Grace.”

“I don’t want to see Great-Aunt Hermione right now,” Belinda said. “And I can’t face Blanche. Not yet.”

“You must elevate your ankle. I’ll take you upstairs, shall I?” Viola asked.

“Thank you,” West said gratefully. “My great-aunt can be something of a battle-ax.”

“I’ve heard a lot about her. Good luck.”

Sebastian helped Viola support Belinda up the stairs while West mentally girded his loins for a meeting with his formidable great-aunt.

Upon entering the parlor, she immediately attacked.

“What’s this, Westbury? I leave for six months and all hell breaks loose?”

“And good day to you, too, Great-Aunt,” he said evenly, pecking her on the cheek. “We replaced you with Aunt Miriam.”

“Miriam! That fool woman couldn’t chaperone a baby in a crib. Better to have no chaperone than that flibbertigibbet fluttering about. I can’t believe the state in which I find this household. You’ve let my apartments out. Belinda is missing. Blanche has become a spinster. Betsy is acting the most dreadful hoyden, and Birdie... well she’s a little angel, now aren’t you, my love?”

“You do know the girls are sitting right here, Great-Aunt?” West asked.

She sniffed. “They should hear it from someone. Did you bring Belinda back? Foolish, foolish child. Where did she run off to?”

“Yes, is Belinda all right?” Blanche asked, her eyes filled with worry.

“I’m very happy to report that Miss Beaton and I retrieved Belinda from a public coaching inn and she’s unharmed, except for a lightly sprained ankle. The doctor will be here any moment. She’s resting in bed.”

“I wouldn’t call a sprained ankle unharmed,” Blanche said. “Poor thing. I don’t understand any of this. Betsy won’t tell me anything. Which is completely unlike you, Bets, you love tattling on Belinda.”

“Not this time,” Betsy said, ducking her head down. “I’ll let someone else break the news to you.”

“What news?”