Page 118 of Duke Most Wicked

“Yes, what news, Westbury?” Great-Aunt Hermione asked.

West sat down in the chair opposite Blanche and cleared his throat. “There’s been an . . . unfortunate happening. Your sister was abducted by Lord Laxton.”

“What?” Blanche exclaimed. “How can this be! I don’t understand.”

“She wasn’t abducted, she left with him because she thought he loved her, stupid goose,” Betsy said. “I could have told her that it was all a load of lies, but she didn’t confide in me, now did she?”

Her words were tough, though West could tell that she was extremely worried about her twin sister.

“Why did she think he was in love with her?” Blanche asked.

“He’d been writing letters to her. Filled with lies, I’m afraid,” West explained.

“Is she...” Blanche clutched a hand to the lace at her throat. “Is she ruined?”

“She is not.”

“Oh, thank heavens.” The ladies let out sighs of relief.

“Your sister is very brave. When she discovered his nefarious plan, she beat him over the head with her reticule and jumped from the carriage.”

“Shedid?” Betsy gazed at him incredulously. “That doesn’t sound like Belinda. I didn’t think she had it in her.”

“Laxton tore her special lace fichu and that was, apparently, the final straw. We’re very lucky that she had the fortitude to escape him. Laxton seeks revenge on me. I didn’t tell you this,Blanche, and I should have. I overheard Laxton slandering you most grievously and I took matters into my own fists and gave him a good thrashing.”

“Miss Beaton told me that he’d slandered me but I didn’t believe it.”

“He’s a bad man,” said Birdie.

“Yes, very bad,” West agreed.

“This is all most unfortunate,” said Great-Aunt Hermione with an aggrieved sniff. “I always knew there was something off about that man. Do you remember, Blanche, years ago when you set your cap for him and I told you to wait for Banksford? Well, he’s taken. But you can still make a better match than Laxton.”

“Not if I have no dowry.”

“Piffle. You have your pretty face, though you do look very peaked today, I must say, with those dark circles under your eyes.”

“I just found out that my sister ran off with the man I thought I was in love with. I can’t believe he would do it... he’s... he’s a villain.”

“Does anyone know about this, Westbury?” Great-Aunt Hermione asked.

“Some of Belinda’s friends may know what she was planning. And Laxton may have told some friends, as well. But as far as I know, no one can confirm that it actually took place except for me, Miss Beaton, Laxton’s servants, and the patrons at the inn. I spread some coin at the inn in exchange for promises of silence.”

“I hope this can be contained,” said his great-aunt. “The scandal would sink this family even deeper into the mire of ruin than it has already sunk.”

“I’m going to deal with Laxton as soon as I find him.” West had sent word to Jax before they left to keep an eye out for Laxton.

“I do hope you won’t fight a duel,” Birdie said, running to him and throwing her arms around his shoulders.

“Not if I can help it.”

“Now, girls,” said Great-Aunt Hermione, “I would speak with your brother in private.”

His sisters dutifully left the room.

“Now then, my boy. Do you know why I cut short my restorative sojourn in Bath and raced back to London even though my rheumatism is far from cured?”

“I feel certain that you’re going to tell me.”