Page 101 of Meant to Be

A blaring alarm suddenly pierces the air and I almost kink my neck from jolting. I laugh and wince simultaneously, rubbing my neck.

“My bad,” he says.

“What is the alarm for?”

He reluctantly sits back and reaches for his phone, clicking it off. He moves to sit at the other end of the lounge and I’m glad I have time to gather myself. Things were getting hot and heavy very quickly.

“I’m feeding the neighbour’s cat while she’s away. I have to set an alarm so I don’t kill it.” He rubs at his face, looking weary. “You remember Ethel? The old lady who used to always give us lollies when we went past her house?”

“Oh yeah!” I brighten as I nestle into the cushions, making myself comfortable. I drape my legs over Harley’s lap and his fingers walk over my thighs. “Wow, I forgot all about her.”

“Yeah, well, she owns both the units off Crosswell Lane. She lives in one and Brennon and I are in the other. She visits her kids a lot, so I feed her cat when she’s away.”

“Aw, that’s kind of you.”

“Well, she never complains when we have the music up or people over.” He shrugs. “She is super deaf though. Probably doesn’t even hear us.”

“That probably works out for the best.” I laugh. “You’re still close with Brennon, then?”

Harley’s face sobers for a moment and he nods. “I suppose, yeah. There aren’t many choices around here.” It’s meant to be a joke but it falls flatly. I’ve always despised Brennon.

“He was such an asshole,” I say. “Still is, I’m sure.”

“He’s better.”

“I’ll believe that when I see it.”

Harley stays quiet, watching his fingers make patterns on my leg.

“Elise’s death shook him pretty bad.” He blows out a breath. “He loved her.”

“And yet fucked around with her all those years, when they could have been together.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I regret it. Although not over such a great time span, I did much the same to Harley. I tried living the best of both worlds, too scared to take a risk on him.

He nods. “We were all dumb kids.”

I nod, agreeing. I’m sure I’m not the only one to wish I could rewrite history.

“I better go,” Harley says regretfully. “Otherwise Mr. Tuppins will be very cross with me.”

I laugh. “Don’t want to get on the bad side of a cat.”

“I’ve learned that the hard way.” He kisses the side of my head, pushing to his feet. He’s halfway across the room, before he turns. “Can I come back here? And stay?”

Absolutely not. Say no. Tell him this was fun while it lasted, but it’s done now.

“Thought you’d never ask.”

He grins and handsome smile lines curve around his mouth. “I’ll be back soon.”

“I’ll be waiting.” I smile.

He’s back within half an hour, showered, and dressed in a black V-neck shirt and shorts. I’m laying in bed, reading over my study notes, when he crawls in beside me.

“Is Mr. Tuppins happy?”

“Mr. Tuppins is happy.” He grins.

He drags me across the mattress so that I’m pressed into him. I throw my notes off to the side, and snuggle into him.

This town suddenly feels a lot less lonely.

Lauren Jackson's Novels