Page 102 of Meant to Be


Four Years Ago

My hand hovers over the page.Write about a memory when you truly felt you belonged. I stare out the window, watching a small bird land on a branch beside another bird. They chirp at each other and touch beaks. Exhaling, my eyes drift to where Josie is sitting.

Nick’s arm swings around the back of his chair and his thumb rubs her shoulder. She smiles and laughs at something he says. My grip on the pen tightens as I glare at them.

The thing about Josie is that she is all smiles and laughs when they’re watching her. ButIwatch her, when they’re not. And it’s not the same girl.

Pressing down onto the paper, I watch the ink bleed across it.

It’s hard to write about a memory, when the only time I feel like I belong, is with a person. Someone who sees me, like I see them, who doesn’t fit in here, like me. Someone who wants more.Needsmore.

I see the way she looks at me. It’s the same way I look at her.

Blowing out a frustrated breath, I throw the pen down. I’ve never felt like this. No girl occupies my mind. No one gets under my skin.

Seeing her with him fucking hurts. It’s my fault. I went after her, knowing she isn’t available, but I couldn’t hold back anymore. And she feels it too. She’s just afraid.

Anger and sadness swirl inside me. My mind is forever in argument.Fight for her. Don’t let her go. She’s worth it.I stare down at my words.She’s not yours to take. Leave her be.

Josie Mayor makes me feel fucking ugly. Angry, possessive, jealous. Heat slithers through my veins when she folds one leg over the other, her skirt riding up her thighs. Pressing her full lips together, she turns her eyes to me. A ripple of awareness slides down my spine.

After a long few moments, her eyes face forward again. Clenching my jaw, I slide down into my seat. Fuck. This can’t go on. She needs to make a choice. Me, or him.

Nick’s fingers stroke her shoulder. She tenses, knowing I’m watching. Good. I hope she feels guilty, like I do. Do thoughts of the things we are doing keep her up at night, like they do to me?

Pulling my lip ring with my tongue, I narrow my eyes, watching the heat rise in her cheeks. She’s uncomfortable.

The bell rings and I don’t move as I watch her jump to her feet, sliding her bag over her shoulders. The classroom empties and I quietly follow. I see her break away from her friends, heading over to get a drink. As the last stragglers leave the hallway, I curl my fingers around her bicep and drag her into a shadowy spot underneath the stairs.

Her breath hitches as she stumbles in surprise.

“Harley,” she whispers, her eyes darting to my mouth briefly before moving back to my eyes.

Grabbing each side of her face, I dive towards her mouth. She moans into me as we kiss. She opens for me instantly, my tongue sliding against hers. Her delicate fingers press into my chest.

Wrapping her arms around my neck, she pulls me closer. Her uniform rides up and I trace the lines of her stomach. She shudders, eyes fluttering closed.Thisis what I fucking wake up for of a morning.

“Meet me tonight,” I whisper.

She moans softly as I kiss down her neck.

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”


“What plans?” I demand, biting into the soft flesh at the base of her throat.

She gasps against my ear and pushes her hips into mine, grinding softly. I groan at the feel of her and slide my hands around her to grip her ass.

“I’m going to the movies.”

“Yeah, with me.”

Her breathing deepens. “With the others.”

Lauren Jackson's Novels