Page 31 of Meant to Be


Slamming my hand into the wheel, I growl. “Fuck.”

She’s back. She’s finally fucking back, and Nick has swooped in. Again. Doesn’t he remember? Doesn’tshe? How could she think this time would be any different? She’s lying to herself—and lying to me. Stubborn fucking brat.

I stomp on the accelerator, and the truck lurches forward, the tyres spinning in the gravel.

The rumbling engine does little to soothe the ache in my chest. I dig the heel of my hand into my chest as if that would stop it.

I think back to our first kiss. From the first taste, I knew once would never be enough. Everything about her drew me in. Her smile, her eyes, her laugh, her genuine kindness, her ability to overlook all flaws to see the best in people. And most importantly, her heart. It was warm and full but tainted with the same twisted darkness that plagued mine.

When I get home, the house is silent. Drifting in and out of the rooms, I realise Brennon must be out. I call him, and after a few rings, he answers.

“Hey, man.” There’s significant background noise and I wince, pulling the phone away from my ear.

“What are you doing?”

“Just over at Logan’s house. You wanna come?”

“Yeah, be there in ten.”

I shower and dress, grabbing a ten pack from the fridge before jogging back out to the truck. Every time I stop for a moment, I think of the flowers sitting on the bench. My hands tighten around the steering wheel. My fist slams into it once, then twice, before I yell out in frustration.

Why him? Why is he always in the fucking way?

Sitting still for a few moments longer, I blow out a hot breath and let the anger in me subside. It slowly oozes away, and I feel the tension leaving my shoulders.

I can’t think about her. Not like that. Not anymore.

The street is packed with cars, and I’m surprised to see a lot more people than I expected for a weeknight. Cutting the engine, I grab my things and head straight inside. The music is loud, the air stale with cigarettes and marijuana. There must be a lot of out-of-towners here.

“Harley!” Louise squeals, causing several heads to turn in my direction. She bounces over to me, a radiant grin taking up her face. Everything about her is off. She doesn’t have long blonde hair. She doesn’t have deep, endless eyes. She doesn’t have that cute twist in her smile.Fuck. “I didn’t think you were coming!”

“Last minute decision,” I reply and wince at the standoffish tone in my voice. I force a smile.

I wrap my arm around her and plant a kiss on her cheek as she flings herself at me. When she pulls back, I dive towards her mouth. She squeaks in alarm. I’m not usually one for public displays of affection, but I’m really, really pissed off right now and need to blow off steam.

She kisses me back for a long moment, and it’s then I realisethisis my second chance. To win Josie back. No girl has ever compared to her in my eyes, and I need to do everything I can to prove it to her.

I step back suddenly, feeling repulsed that I came to that decision with another girl’s mouth on mine. Her lips are swollen, and she’s breathless as she gazes up at me with innocent doe-eyes. I flinch, hating myself even more than I thought I could.

“I didn’t hear from you after the other night,” she says, staring down at the floor, her cheeks reddening.

“Sorry,” I say distractedly, leaning around her and putting the ten-pack into the fridge and sliding a can out.

Turning, I face Brennon, who is smirking at me.

“Let’s get drunk,” I say.

He grins. “Already halfway there, brother.”

Lauren Jackson's Novels