Page 32 of Meant to Be


When I wake the next morning, my sheets are stuck to my skin. I groan, peeling them off me, and beeline to the shower. I only turn the cold tap on and let the water run over me.

I spend the day at work, even though I don’t start until next week. I clean every surface, rearrange the waiting room, and spruce up the surgery room I’ll be using. Danny says he doesn’t mind as he watches me change basically everything about the place. I try to remember to ask him before going ahead with any changes.

The nurse, Belle, that works for him, seems nice enough. She’s been in town for about six months. Long enough to know everyone, not long enough to know my history here.

I help her shut down for the day. Everything is old-school here, so it takes longer than it should, but I don’t mind. I like being here. The place has character.

“Thanks for all of your help.” She beams at me. “It’s so nice having someone else here! Another girl, especially.”

“Sure. No worries.”

“What are you up to now? Want to grab a drink?” She tucks a piece of dark hair behind her ear. She’s pretty, in an understated kind of way.

“I’d love to. I’m going to run home and shower quickly. Meet you at the pub in thirty minutes?”

“Sounds good.”

We say goodnight to a tired Danny, and I rush home. I’m excited to have drinks with someone who doesn’t know me and everything that has happened. For one night, I might pretend I’m not Josie Mayor.

I slip into a dress and think about wearing heels but decide last minute to go with sandals. I get to the pub just as Belle does.

“Hey girl,” she greets me, and I’m thrilled to see her in a nice dress too. She has a kind face and a warm smile. She would fit in well around here.

When we enter, I don’t stare back at anyone. We head straight for the bar and order.

“Man, that guy is so hot,” Belle says, jutting her chin to Harley as he strolls in. “I tried to get his attention when I first moved here, but he totally blew me off.”

“He’s an asshole.”

She turns to me. “Oh?”

“The worst kind of asshole.”

“The hot ones always are,” she sighs, staring longingly at him with her dark, round eyes. “Did you used to be together?”

“It’s a long story.”

“Sounds juicy.” She smirks, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s something,” I mutter, scoffing a little. “How do you like it here?”

“It’s okay.” She nods. “Bit dull. Not much to do.”

“You can say that again.”

“Cute boys, though.” She grins.

I move my gaze to Harley. He’s staring back at me. Slowly, I raise my middle finger at him. A shit-eating grin spreads across his face as he gives it back to me. I’m a little startled at the resemblance of how he used to be.

“Prick,” I mutter.

She eyes me for a moment. “Uh-huh.”

“Don’t give me that look.”

“What look?”

Lauren Jackson's Novels