Page 56 of Meant to Be

I narrow my eyes. “Nick is a nice guy.”

“I just said that, didn’t I?”

“You said it in a way that seemed like an insult.”

Harley grins. “Okay. You got me. Nick is a bore.”

My eyes widen. Everyone likes Nick.

“A bore?”

“A snooze, a yawn,” he says, leaning close. I can smell the cigarette on his breath with a strange combination of mint toothpaste. It’s sort of delicious. “You can’t really think a guy like that could satisfy a girl like you.”

“A girl like me?” I straighten. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Harley lifts the cigarette to his mouth and takes a long drag. He takes his time blowing it out before he combs his fingers through his unruly hair.

“Josie, I see you,” he says simply. Again, with the nickname. Josie. I really, really like that he calls me that. “Right through you, actually.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re not like this hick town.” Another drag. “I don’t belong here. I don’t fit in. But you know what?” He shifts so that he’s facing me, his knee leaning over my thigh. “Neither do you.”

All the air leaves my lungs. This boy—this arrogant,dangerousboy—has just said everything that has been on my mind these last few months. He’s nailed it exactly. I don’t fit here. I don’t belong. And Nick and I aren’t working.

“Want some?” he whispers, waving the cigarette in front of me.

Swallowing, I stare down at it. Slowly, I reach out and take it.

“What do I do?” I ask quietly, expecting him to laugh or mock me, but he doesn’t.

“Take it between your lips,” he murmurs, his voice soft and smooth. “And inhale.”

My heart is racing as I do what he says. My mouth fills up with smoke, and I inhale sharply. It fills my throat and I suddenly cough, smoke billowing out of my mouth.

“Ick!” I groan, shaking my head, resisting the urge to gag. “That’s disgusting.”

He grins. “Try it again.”

My hands tremble slightly, and he circles his over mine, steadying them. Our gazes lock as I press my lips around the end of it and take another drag. He bites his lip softly as he watches, the tilt of his lip ring causing a swooping sensation in my stomach. This time, it’s smoother. I still cough, but not as bad.

“Again,” he whispers.

My lip quivers slightly at our proximity. I inhale longer this time before I turn my head to the side and exhale softly, watching it drift away in a hazy cloud.

“I’ve watched you a lot, Josie,” he comments, transferring the cigarette from my hand to his. “You and me. We’re more similar than you’d ever know.”

“You’ve watched me?” My voice is low, hardly audible.

“Yes,” he whispers.

He leans close. The heat from his body rolls over me in waves. He pauses for a moment, waiting for me to pull away. When I don’t, he presses his lips to mine. They’re soft and inviting, and soon, his tongue is brushing mine.

Strong hands grip my waist, transferring me onto his lap, his warm fingers trailing down my sides. His hands are on my thighs and mine on his chest. The kiss is intense and hungry and something I’ve never experienced before. Nick and I have barely made out, and our kisses arenothinglike this.

Harley’s thumb brushes my underwear line, and I almost choke on my breath. I grind my hips into him, and he groans softly, pushing his firm hands further up my dress. This kiss is so deep that it’s overwhelming. Our limbs tangle as I push deeper into him, feeling every part of hard muscle he has to offer.

I moan into his mouth, and the kiss deepens into something desperate as a feeling of longing crashes through me like a tidal wave.

Lauren Jackson's Novels